Kai - Im sorry(part 2)

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"I'm pregnant" these words echoed continuously in my mind as I sat down.
'I'm going to be father'... We're the only words I could think of.
The sudden sound of the door slamming brought me back to my senses and I realised she was gone before I could say anything...
I ruffled my hair in frustration. How long has she been pregnant? I mean we haven't had sex since I went into training? Wait...the night I was accepted, that's it! But that was at least 3 weeks ago! She's been keeping it a secret for this long? Why didn't she tell me sooner.
At that moment I wanted to beat myself with every ounce of power in my body.
IM SUCH AN IDIOT! I've been neglecting her so much because I was too obsessed with training! No wonder she couldn't talk to me. All those nights she stayed up just to greet me, wasted because I rudely disregarded her and wanted to sleep. What is wrong with me? arghh!!
I need to find her, I have to apologise.
I immediately searched for my car keys and checked my phone.
Oohhhh s***...(at this point I wanted to disappear) Her birthday was today... What kind of husband forgets their wife's birthday?
Just you wait, Reem. I'm coming to get you!
You yelled at the top of your lungs as you vigorously wiped away the never ending tears off your face as you continued driving.
"H-how did our relationship become like this?" Your emotions were out of control, the tears would not quit nor would the pain in you heart stop.
*drip drop rain falling*
"Huh, great! Just great! The clouds are crying with me, just what I needed!" You sarcastically commented before going into a crying frenzy once again.
"I'm sick of it! I hate being so scared of sharing my feelings with my husband! We're married! I shouldn't have kept it a secret for that long! We could've worked something out before he started working over time!!" The more you vented the more your tears wouldn't stop flowing. You started to bang your hands against your steering wheel in frustration. Suddenly, a loud car horn sounded, you gasp and rapidly press the brakes.
Everything went black.
Your head pounding, you slowly and cautiously open eyes and hold your head.
"Huh? What the heck just happened?"
You looked up to see your car had collided with another.
but lucky you and the other driver were safe, however the broken glass had somehow made its way to arm and lodged it's self in your skin.. You began to freak out over the amount of blood on your body, the pain was excruciating! "HELP SOMEBODY HELP ME!!" Three people rushed over and retrieved you from your now destroyed car. "Please! Some one take me to the doctor! My arm and my baby! OMG the baby! I NEED TO GO NOW!" You cried desperately. A kind man replied "Don't worry ma'am, an amubalance was called, it should be here any minu-" before he could finish you had fainted from the amount of blood loss and shock.

where could she be? Where the hell is she?? I need to apologise. Wendy's house, have to check Wendy's house. I go left here right?? What's that guy doing?
"Sorry sir, you can't go that way it's blocked off due to an accident" the police advised.
For frick sake! I don't have time for this, I'll just go around!
"Ah, thanks!"
Damn people with their accidents...

At the hospital~
Beep beep beep
"Huh? Where am I?" You confusedly asked. "How'd I get here... Omg my arm hurts! Ah, that's right, I was in an accident and got glass in my arm... Wait, my baby!!" You panicked and shouted for nurses and doctors until one soon arrived. "What's the matter? Are you okay?" Said the worried nurse.
"No! Can you tell me if my baby is alright? Is it still there? Will I still be a-"
"We've tested you and the results came in two days ago. You're baby will be born safely into this world."  A doctor said and walked toward my bed.
"Wait, two days ag- how long have I been out of it??" You asked.
"At least 6 days I'd say? But don't worry, we made sure we kept your health up for you and the baby." He smiled.
"Oh thank god and thank you too of course!" You were so happy to hear those words.
"One more thing. You have a visitor that's been eagerly waiting for you to wake up and sat by your side for days until you did ! Nurse, send them in please!"

'Visitor? Who could it be?' You thought to yourself '

"REEM!! Are you okay? How's your arm? Omg I was worried sick about you! Don't ever do that ever again you here!" They wrapped their arms around you tightly but carefully and cried into your neck.
"I'm sorry to have worried you like that Wendy! I promise I will never angry drive again!" Both of you chuckled and hugged again.
"I'm sorry to have made you sit next to me for 6 days until I finally woke up." You sincerely thanked your best friend.
"What? I couldn't stand to see you in such a state, I could barely look through the door, let alone sit next to you!" She honestly admitted.
"Wait, so who??"
"Actually, that person is here today" she said as she held my hand.
"No need to be shy now, you can come in!" With that a teary eyed guy came through the sore holding a bouquet of flowers.
"Jongin?" Your voice came out as a coarse whisper.
"Why are y-you here?"
Without answering any of those questions, jongin dropped the bouquet and ran to hug you. The tightest and most passionate hug he's ever given. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry! I'm such an idiot, I can't I almost lost you..." You could feel his tears down your neck.
"I never ever wanted to hurt you or for you to get hurt, I promised myself I wouldn't let that happen...but here you are in a hospital because of the hurtful things I said. I just want to say that I love you. I love you I love you I love you reem so much I don't know what I'd do without you. Please don't leave me side, I will treat you like a princess now on and I will become the best father for our child, just please...don't leave me." Jongin squeezed you as if he never wanted to let go.
You were speechless, only tears could come out. You slowly lifted your arms, even though it hurt, you returned the same passionate hug he was giving you. " I will never leave you. I love you so much, jongin." A comfortable silence washed over the room as you two stay in each other's embrace. After about 5 minutes you both pulled away and held each other's hands. "Reem, you better get well soon because I have so many couple things we need to try!"
You laughed at your husbands cuteness and nodded in agreement. "Well I guess I I'll need to increase my recovery speed and get home soon!" You smiled.
"That's my girl :)."
The two of you kissed for the first time in what seemed like forever.
"Okay okay, there! That's perfect! Okay, everyone one get in. Where's Reem and renée?" Your sister and Wendy asked.
"We're here! Sorry, this little one can be very difficult to dress!" You said as you tapped your 1 year old daughters nose.
"Gets it from her mother!" Jongin joked.
"Haha!" You laughed sarcastically, "anyway, let's get this photo taken!"
"Everyone in position?" Jongin shouted.
"Okay, say cheese!"
Finally, a picture perfect family you had always dreamed of had become your reality and now this photo will always hold that memory.

Wow, I finally wrote the second half of this story. I'm sorry if it seems too long winded? My thoughts something's drag on for way longer than I anticipate.
But I really hope you liked this and I will now start my other request!! STAY TUNED AND THANK YOU FOR ALL THE VOTES AND COMMENTS✌🏾️ I LOVE YOU ALL💕💕✨

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