Kai - Im sorry (part 1)

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"You heard me Jongin, or should I refer to as Kai?"
"Are you being serious Reem..."
"WHY WOULD I LIE ABOUT THIS?!" That was the moment the tears began to fall.

3 weeks ago~
"Reem? You home?" Your husband asked as he walked through the door
"I'm right here Jongin!" You said as you came down the stairs to hug him.
"Mmm, it's always nice to come home and see you." he whispered as he swayed with you.
"I'm just glad your back early! So how did it go?" You asked.
"Let's just say my training starts next week." The swaying stopped as you pulled away with a shocked expression on your face.
"WHAT! That's amazing! I'm so happy for you!" You cheered as you held his face and kissed him until he pulled away.
"I know! I'm going to be an idol in a group called EXO, I met them today and kyungsoo, also known as DO, showed me around the SM building. Reem, I don't know how to thank you enough for encouraging me to audition!" Your husband said as he once again held you in his embrace but a much tighter one.
"Oh, I know how you can." you whispered seductively in his ear and trailed your fingers down his neck.
"Man do I have the best wife."

2 weeks ago~
It's been one week since your boyfriend has been at training, but to you it feels like he's been gone forever. He's rarely home early, he'd usually come back at 3am. Even when he is early he ignores you and says 'leave me alone I'm busy'. Fair enough he has training and preparation, but couldn't he at least find one hour for his wife??
You sat on the couch as you stared blankly at the floor, reminiscing about the times you and Jongin actually had genuine fun. You missed those days so much that when you thought about them too much, tears would begin to fall down your face and turn you into a ball of sadness surrounded by darkness.
Ah man, I'm crying again. Will it ever get easier than this? Oh wait, there's still that I need to confess...great.... I know for sure he will hate me, he'll be too stressed to handle it along with his career. What am I suppose to do, huh? Jeopardise our relationship by not telling him, or tell him and risk losing him completely?
*rattling keys*
That's him. Quickly, wipe the tears so he doesn't have to see me this way. Deep breathes and Smile; everything will be alright.
*door opens*
"Welcome back, Jongin. Can I make you something to eat?" I'm going to explode. "Maybe to drink?" Silence, until...
"Just. Leave me alone, I'm tired. Goodnight." He won't even look me in the eye. Am I that insignificant?
"Ah, okay. That's alright, goodnight! I love you." I mean that too, but I'm starting to doubt if you even need me... How am I suppose to tell him if he can't even greet me properly?

Present day~
6am. Eat. Drive. Train. Sleep. that's my daily routine. No time for distractions or rest, I have to be 100% committed if I'm going to be an idol.
"Hey man, you need to rest. You're working overtime, that's not good for your body." Chanyeol, another member of EXO advised.
"I need to perfect this dance. I don't care how late I stay as long as I get it done." like I need that giants help.
"Are you for real? You've already mastered this dance! What could possibly need perfecting??"
"My moves aren't executed as well as I need them to- but whatever you wont understand it anyway." I said as I continue to dance while sweat dripped from my face."
"Just go home Jongin. What about your wife??!"
"What about her?"
"Huh, wow such a gentle man." Chanyeol sarcastically remarked and he walked out of the dance studio. Tssk what does he know...

2:30am: three hours of practicing that's a new record. I walked over to my bag and picked out my phone to check for any notifications. Nothing important and with that I left the studio to go home.
I unlock the door and enter the house and switch the lights on.
She's up again.
"Welcome back, do you want anything to drink?"
She's been crying again. She thinks I don't notice the redness around her eyes or the fact that the smile she's putting on is totally fake, she needs to get over herself. honestly it'll make me more exhausted if I had to deal with her too. "You know what, I'm too tired for this. I'm going to bed." I tell her every time and hed straight to bed.

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