You call that an excuse?(Kai)

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"Get out"

"Wait, no. You can't-"

"Are you deaf?! I said GET OUT, NOW!"

You screamed as you pointed towards the door. Anger pouring out of you like a waterfall. You watched as your now ex-boyfriend walked out of your apartment.

3 days ago~

//"Kai~ I'll be gone for 3 days to do some business for my work in the neighbouring city,"

"Be safe on your trip, _____" he said while he played on his Xbox.


You and Kai were just recently married, but somehow your relationship has been going downhill ever since: You guys slept in separate rooms; your conversations became duller each day; you guys barely even hugged or even kissed after the wedding; and you guys didn't really interact as much as you did before. You started to doubt your relation ship and thought that taking the work trip would help your relationship and to clear you mind.//

You sat with you back against the apartment wall, knees bent into your chest, arms wrapped tightly around them as you tried to process the whole situation.

"Was it me? Am the reason this all happened? But why her?! Of all the fricking women out there, he chose HER?! URRGHH YOU PIECE OF CRAP!" You screamed, kicking the floor as tears rolled down your face showing no sign of stopping as they continued to fall to the ground.

Being on the trip helped you breathe a little more, forget about all your worries and relax. You were so calm that you actually finished all the work that was need in two days! So know you could go home early! In those two days, you realised that maybe it's just the fact of marriage? It's different, nobody likes a sudden change right? Maybe this was the reason! You were so eager to tell him everything that you got the earliest plane home!!

Safely arriving home, you wanted to surprise Kai with your early arrival. You got your keys and slowly and quietly unlocked the door and crept inside, trying as hard as possible to Prevent the floorboards from creaking. However, the sound of your footsteps were masked by a faint yet nauseatingly familiar noise that echoed through the empty apartment. You knew exactly what that sound meant. Your legs began to shake, you felt tears beginning to form in your eyes and your heart felt like it was about to explode. You followed the sound and found that it came from the one place you really hoped it hadn't have. The bedroom.

You finally reached the door; the noises were louder than ever! A sudden outburst of anger forced your body to kick the door open until it's hinges fell off.

You stood in shock. Utterly speechless. You glare as a familiar woman screams and rapidly gets dressed and runs out, leaving Kai on the bed frantically trying to put his clothes on.

"_____-ya, I-"

"Save it, Kai. Do you really think there's an excuse for this?!" Your anger was now at boiling point.

"Yes actually!"

"Oh, there is huh? Please, tell me!" You voice sounding both angry and sarcastic.

"I was lonely, okay!! I couldn't stand the distance anymore and I needed someone! you were always busy with your work and that annoyed me, the fact I can't even spend time with my wife really irritates me!"

"Wow, someone give this guy an oscar! I almost believed that-you know, if it wasn't for the fact you were sleeping a AONOTHER FRICKING WOMAN while I was gone! Oh, not just any women, you just had to pick your ex-frickin-girlfriend! You sick freak" your voiced roared across the room.

"Look '_______' I'm sorry okay?!"

"Okay, I undertand. I'm sorry too"

"Really?" Kai said in a confused yet slightly happy tone"

"No, get out. Don't ever come back here, don't even think about calling or texting. Oh and here, won't need this thing anymore." You took of your wedding ring and lifelessly threw it towards Kai, he caught it and starred at it realising how much he regretted what he had just done.

"Come on _____, your joking right?" He asked as he laughed nervously.

You ignored his stupid question and pointed towards the door.

"Get out"

"Wait, no. You can't-"

"Are you deaf?! I said GET OUT, NOW!" Tears were now gushing down you face.

That was the last time you saw Kai.

It's been a year since that incident happened. You decided to move to a different apartment;a quiet and place near a river. You began to unpack the last box in your apartment. Inside were just some random photos and ornaments, one by one you take them out while mentally organising them on the shelves. You came across a pile of photos. They were pictures of you and Kai, laughing and just having fun. You smiled whilst you looked through them, you felt a tear roll down your face as you found your wedding day photo.

"You know, I really do miss you right now."

You were interrupted by the sound if your ringtone. Unknown called ID.


"_____ it's me"

Your tears were now uncontrollably pouring down you face.

"Its been a while, huh?"You exhaled with a smile.


WOW THIS WAS LONG SORRY! hope you liked it though.

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