Tao - The new girl(part 1)

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"Fresh start today! Let's just hope this one is better than the other!" You thought out loud as you stood in front of the dojo you had just joined.

You were one of the best martial artists in your area, but had decided to change dojo as you wanted to explore new teachings and expand your skills and techniques. But the main reason why you left was due to the fact so many people in class would mock and ignored you because your teacher would always pay the closest attention to you and praise you more than the rest of the students.

You wanted to flee from that environment and start fresh at a new dojo with new, hopefully nicer, people!
"Okay ______, let's go!"

You opened the doors and slowly walk into the huge dojo and the wonderful sight blew your mind. Beautiful wooden walls, decorated with Chinese characters, Soft black matts line the floor for a comfortable work surface for all the students and Small sections dedicated to growing various different plants and flowers. You loved everything! It was so neat and greatly taken care of. You gaze around the room in awe, taking every last bit of beauty in.

"Wow...I'm training here... This is the best dojo I've seen. Then again I've only seen my old one, but still this place is gorgeous!"

"Thank you, I'm glad you like my dojo" a fairly old man, around his 40's, had said.

"Ah! Oh...I mean, hello! My name is _____ and from today I'll be your new student!" You said embarrassed and nervously.

"Haha! No need to be so nervous! Welcome, ____ I'm looking forward to teaching you. My name is Lee, it's a pleasure meeting you." He smiled as he bowed. You of course bowed back and grinned with delight.

"Well then, let's see what you got first. Class, gather around!" Lee instructed.
"I would like to introduce our new member."

"Hello, my name is ______, I can't wait to get to know you all!" You said happily which caused them all to smile.

"Okay, _____ . To test your abilities you'll be going against our best student here, he's a black belt. Don't be scared it's just an evaluation practical." Lee said.

"Yeah sure, sounds good to me! So, who is this guy?" You asked.

"Me." A deep voice answered
"I'm Tao, so you're the new girl? Pfftt, Lee, are you sure it's okay for me to challenge her? I mean, I don't want to break her, she looks so weak..." Tao remarked.

You twitched with anger, but kept a deathly smile on your face.
"But sure, let's just get this over with. I'm not holding back, okay girl?" With that the challenge commenced.

'He's so gonna regret calling me weak'

Tao made the first move with a kick. You immediately dodged and went for a punch. "Huh, you got some moves there girl, but not enough to beat me." He boasted.

'What did he just say to me? Haha, you're lucky we're surrounded by people or you'd be dead by now' you were even more angrier now than ever before. This time he threw a punch. Big mistake. You grabbed is arm, swung it over your shoulder and flipped the 183cm tall man over you until he hit the ground with a loud bang!

Panting in victory, you held him down and the class cheered. "Not so weak am I, boy?" You smirked.

"How th- what just happened? Where did you learn that move?" The poor man lay on his back, dumbfounded by the suddenly twist in events.

"Oh? Did I forget to mention I'm a black belt, too? Seems like you only just reached this level since you couldn't even name the move I just move. But don't worry, I'll be here everyday to teach you if you want!" You sarcastically offered.

"No! Just get off of me!" With that you let go and Tao stormed off in frustration and with a hint of humiliation.

"That's what you get you butthole, don't ever call me weak again!" You shouted.

"Very nice! I've never seen Tao so embarrassed!" Lee chuckled as he clapped, "Since you're a black belt ____ could you help me with students who need more attention than others? I'd ask Tao but he's a air headed idiot."
"I'd love to! Will I also be doing some more training?" You asked.
"Yes, yes of course! You'll only need to help out when it's necessary! Any other time is up to you how you spend it. Oh and you'll of course be payed for your help" Lee added.
"Payed? Really? Thank you! Wow, this really is the best dojo ever!" Bowing in thankfulness towards Lee, you spot Tao who gives you a stern look as your eyes met.

'Ah...I should probably apologise...' A sudden guilty feeling stirred in your stomach.

You grabbed your bag and headed to where Tao was standing, but alas he starting walking the other way and ignored you.

"Oi! Loser boy, I wanna talk to you!"
Not the best sentence to start an apology with.
"Tsk, shut up you swine, don't ever talk to me!" He spat.
"Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that. Also, I wanted to apologise for completely humiliating you in front of the class..." You said as you fiddled with your fingers.

"Pffft, like I'd forgive you over an apology like that!" Tao laughed mockingly.

"Fine! I'll buy you lunch, anything you want! Just make sure it's cheap!" You bargained.

"Anything as long as it's cheap? Why offer if you can't go all out?!"

"Come on! I just moved here, I'm low on money! Oh....actually, I'll cook you dinner at my place! How's that sound?"

"What? But you just moved here? It's your house filled with boxes and junk?" Tao asked.

"Nah, I'm a fast packer - everything's sorted and squeaky clean! So what'd you say? Let me make it up to you over dinner?" Holding out your hand, you waited for a shake of confirmation.

"I swear, you'd better make good food or I'll bully you forever." He remarked as he shook your hand.

"Great! Here's my address and number just in case you get lost and need more directions! Well, I'm off. I'll see you at 6!" You waved before you walked away.

'Hmmm, what should I cook tonight?' You excitedly thought to yourself as you went to fetch your bag before heading home.

'What a strange girl...' Tao thought as a smile creeped on his face as he watched you leave.

This is super delayed omg!😱😱 I've decided that I'm going to do all requests as two parts since I'd rather make them wait less for two parts, rather than wait a considerably longer time for a full version😁😅🙌🏽 so...here's part one! Requested by @Zelos_Baby ✨✌🏾

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