Scared(Lay) part 1

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Hey guys! most of this imagine will be in Lay's point of view!
I apologise in advance if you don't like this imagine!
Bruises. Bandages. cuts. New ones each day in different places.

Unsociable. unapproachable. silent. No friends, just constant staring and whispering.

A soul devoured by anxiety and depression leaves no room for the love once felt in her heart...


I instantly shot up from the abrupt awakening I just received .
"JEEZ KYUNGSOO, NO NEED TO SHOUT SO EARLY IN THE MORNING." I replied with my eyes still shut from tiredness.

Lay stayed with his 11 friends, often referred to as 'EXO', in a house bought by his family for the last 2 years. It was a very convenient place since it was just 5 minutes from the school.

I better get up before Kyungsoo or one of the others popes cold water on me again.

The house was always lively! They'd watch movies, play pranks on each other and just plain hang out really. Honestly, it was like carnival in there.

But, it's funny how people can live completely opposite lives.

"GET UP AND DONT MAKE ME ASK YOU AGAIN, YOU TRASH." A booming, male voice rattled the damaged bedroom door of your room. Filled with fear, you immediately obeyed and got ready for school.
You sighed deeply as you stared at the wounds on both your arms and legs, luckily they scabbed over and you used your jumper and socks to cover them. But your face however, you could see bruise beginning to form, you sighed as you stroked the side of your face.

An abusive father who drinks till he's unconscious and surrounded by empty glass bottle. Then there's you. The victim. there hasn't been a single day you've gone without getting wounded or injured.

You lived in a fairly small house located near the town park and was just a 10 minute walk to school. Inside was always quiet, until your father returned from his daily gambling session - that's when the real danger happens. You could never escape the torture that waited for you at home. You hated that feeling.

At school

"Urgh, maths first... I have no energy for anything today" I complained as I walked into class with my friends.
"C'mon, it's not that bad" Chanyeol replied. "Yeah, easy for you to say! you can actually remember all these equations and crap!" I argued as I sat down, feeling frustrated.
The class was alive with the sound of chatter and laughter, but it all suddenly died down to quiet whispering as _____ walked in, all hunched over and looking at floor. "Ah, more injuries" I thought to myself as I see the bright purple-blue bruise forming on the side on her face.

"People stared as she made her way down to her seat at the back of the class, near the window.
"Why does she have so many cuts and bruises?"
"I heard she became part of a gang after the incident"
"I've heard she was taken in by monkeys and was raised to climb trees"

All these rumours have circled around the school for the last 2 years. Each one more ridiculous than the last.

once she sat down the whispering, once again, slowly turned to chatter.
"That's one heck of a bruise" I thought to myself. After the first few days of ____ coming in with minor injuries, I've noticed how much more severe they had become. I became extremely worried, but hated myself for not doing anything for 2 years.

That day, I decided I would become ____'s friend and look out for here.

The next day
It was early in the morning and for some reason I was wide awake at 4:30am? So I thought I may as well go for a morning walk around the town park and watch the sunrise. I changed into my school clothes and left the house.

I entered the park and everything was so still and tranquil. The light spring breeze brushed through my hair as I inhaled the scent of the fresh, crisp air around me. melodious birds songs surrounding me as I venture further into the park. however, the faint sound of crying tingled in my ears as I stopped in my tracks.
Behind the bushes of beautiful red and white roses, a girl sat weeping into her knees in a curled up ball position.
That's when I realised it was ____!
"Why is she up this early? More importantly why is she crying??"
I took a step towards her and the sound of a snapping twig alarmed her as she looked around.
"It's just me, don't worry ____"
She looked at me with wide eyes before scrambling to collect her stuff and getting up to leave.
"Wait! Don't go just yet! I want to show you something first!" This is my chance to become her friend!

You were slightly confused as to why Lay, part of the schools dream boy group EXO, wanted to show you something. You took a deep breath, wiped the tears away and turned around and nodded with your head down.

"Yes! You won't regret it!" He assured me with excitement.

"Okay, well, sit on this bench and look straight ahead." he guided you towards the bench and sat down next to you. You were really confused at this point. you took a glance at lay and saw he kept checking is watch.
"Hey! Don't look at me, look at the sky!" He said with a huge grin that showed his dimples. That smile made you blush and a smile threatened to appear on your face, but you looked forward like he said and your jaw dropped.

The sun rose from its slumber radiating every red and orange from the spectrum. The higher it rose, the more of its warm beams pierced through the leaves of trees and bushes creating a kaleidoscope of beautiful patterns of light in every direction. You both sat in awe as you witnesses the sun engulfed the land in its warm comforting light.
This feeling inside of you was something you have never felt for the last 2 years: happiness. It was overwhelming in the best possible way.

I was about to tell ____ that it was nearly time to leave, but as I looked at her the light from the sun really brought out the beauty that she possessed in and out. Her long, black hair flowing in the gentle breeze, as the sun made her hair glisten like thousands of tiny stars. As I continued to admire her beauty, I noticed a small tear roll down her face as she continued to daze at the sky.

"Hey____, are you okay?"
You quickly snapped out of your trance like mode and found out a tear managed to escape your eye. You looked at Lay and smiled as you wiped the tear away. You quickly covered your smile and turned away.

Lay smiled at your little reaction. he held your wrists gently and turned you to face him. "you look so pretty when you smile" he said as he slowly removed your hands to reveal a small grin painted on your face.

"....T-thank you...." you uttered your first words ever since the beginning of high school and you were glad it was to Lay.
"oh, did you just- did you just talk?!" He asked flabbergasted.
you bit your lower lip and nodded.
"This is so great! I can't believe you just spoke to me!!" He actually got up and danced in joy while you just giggled and smiled at him.
Little did you guys know an unwelcome guest would make a grand appearance.
"HEEEE-EY I F-FOUND YOU, YOU THINK YOU COULD JUST *hic* ESCAPE YOUR FATHER LIKE *hic* THAT?" A slightly large man charged towards you while holding a broken glass bottle. The happiness once was again lost as fear and panic devour your body at the sight of your father getting closer and closer.

"No not again, not now...." Tears began flowing from your eyes.
This is probably gonna be a relative long story so I hope you like part one!!
Oh and sorry for not updating, I just never know what to write about 😅

So, give me ideas for an imagine you want me to write!!<3

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