Tao - blossoming love (pt 1)

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I've realised I haven't been putting disclaimers or warnings in my imagines that explore more serious themes(~_~;) sorry!! So I diversely apologise if anything I've written has offended anyone!!

'Today is going to totally suck' you thought to yourself as you looked out the window of the car. A week has passed since you and your family moved to this town and today you were starting your first day of high school.

"You excited about today_____?" your mum asked.

"Sure" you replied blankly, hand resting under your chin.

You continued to stare out the window until you saw your new high school just yards away. Your heartbeat increased as you stared at the huge building.

"Here we are, sweetie" your mum cooed as she brought the car to a halt in front of the school entrance.

'This school is waaaay too big, what's with the Starbucks, is this school that rich?' You thought as you scanned across the area. "Well, bye mum. Thanks for the lift, I might be home late, I want to check this school out more." You explained before she drove off.

'Huh, this place is actually kinda cool, a bit over the top, but still cool. I still prefer my old scho-' your thoughts were suddenly cut off when a smartly dressed women began talking to you.

"Ah, you must be _______, the new student?"

"Oh...y-yes that's me," you replied timidly

"Great! Welcome to our school, I'm sure you'll love it here. I'm Mrs. Jung, the principal, please follow me to get your timetable of your classes!" She smiled emitting a gentle and kind aura. "Oh, thank you very much!" You bowed before following her to an office.

"Here you go, please follow Miss. Park to your classroom, she will be teaching you your first lesson." Mrs Jung said as she gestured to a very pretty lady next to her. "Yes, thank you!" You bowed and walked with miss Park to class.

'Ah, this is it. The start of my new high school life. Let's hope this one is better than my previous one' you thought as you took deep breathes preparing yourself for what lies ahead.

"Please welcome ________ to our school!" You heard Miss Park announce. You stepped in the class and eyes immediately darted towards you. "Hello, it's nice to meet you. I'm ______ as the teacher said and I just moved to Korea from LA. I hope we can get along." you said, showing a fake smile towards the class

"LA?! So you can speak English?!" One student roared. The sudden question startled you- you hated being questioned by anybody, it just makes you feel flustered and anxious. But you had no other choice than to reply.

"Uh yes, I can also speak Japanese, French and Chinese"

"OOOOHHH!" The class chorused.

"That's amazing! I bet your smart too?!"

"I guess so?" you could feel your hands begin to shake uncontrollably from anxiety, you quickly pulled your sleeves down to cover them.

"What grades do you get math tests?"

"Err, in maths? Normally between a-a* and the rare B"

"Huh, looks like we have another genius in the class!" The teacher praised.

"But, we need to start class now. ______ please go and sit over there, next to Tao." You followed her finger until you came across a boy waving at you. You quickly nod and scurried to you seat and sit down, your hands are still shaking uncontrollably.

The lesson began and Miss Park suggested that everyone needs to take notes. 'CRAP'.The only word that came to your mind 'how the heck am i suppose to write?!' . you took out your notebook and pencil case and placed them on the desk. 'okay, here goes nothing...' taking a deep breath, you open your pencil case, making sure no one would notice your shaking hands and grab a pen. You began to write. 'This is ridiculous' you thought as you tried to write, but the outcome was a bunch or scribbles.

*Tao's P.O.V

Outside looks like fun, way better than being here. . I saw Miss Park come in and started saying something, I zoned out until she said "Please welcome ________ to our school!" I watched as the fairly cute, new girl come through the door and introduced herself and answered questions from my other classmates. I was looking at her face when I saw she quickly covered her hands and began to look uncomfortable. "please go and sit over there, next to Tao." Miss Park said as she poined at me, I put my gaze back upto to her face and waved at the girl and she quickly made her way over to her seat. That's when to teacher began the lesson and told us to take notes. I hate taking notes, with a strong passion. I take out my notebook and pen and began to doodle. Concentrating on my doodling, I was distracted by the new girl breathing. loudly. I turn my head towards her. "ya-" I cut myself off when saw how shaky her hands were and how stressed she looked.

"hey, you okay?" you jolted in shock as the boy, Toa, asked you a question.
"H-h-huh? Y-yeah I f-fine." Hands still shaking, you used your fingers to comb a pice of hair behind your ear, in an effort to make it look at though your hands were acting 'normally'
"You're definitely not okay. Miss Park!" Tao shouted to grab the teachers attention.
"What are you doing?!" You whispered anxiously.
"The new girl needs to see the nurse! She isn't looking too good, her hands are super shaky!" Pointing at you before finishing his sentence. This caused the whole class to avert their attention to you. Great.
"Omg, are you okay?"
"Do you need something to drink?"
"Do we need to call someone for you?"
The endless questions bombarding your thoughts, making you dizzy and light headed.
"______ please go to the nurse if you really need to..." Miss Park advised.
'I need to get out. Now!' You to yourself as you stood up abruptly. Almost immediately, darkness closed in on you and soon you were engulfed and surrounded by blackness.

This one I starting writing a long time ago, It's been sitting in my drafts for at least a year now oml. BUT HEY HO GUUESS WHOS GONNA PUBLISH IT!! Okay but this isn't how unwanted this to go and it's not as good as I imagined it. I hope to create more exciting and fluffy imagines for y'all in the near future!

And for all the time I haven't been bere I want to say THANK YOU FOR 3k+ reads and 90+ votes! I LOVE YOU ALL ✨💕✨🌚💕✨🌚💕✨🌚

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