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SH, unkind throughts.


I pull on my black swin trunks, and look at myself in the mirror. I laugh. Jesus I look fucking rough. I take off my trunks, throwing them back in the bag. I'm certainly not going swimming.

Heya, me again. Missed me?

I huff. No not really.

You look so fucking ugly. Look at you!

I look away from the mirror.

You know you need to.

I don't wanna.

Did I fucking stutter? I said fucking do it or else.



I walk over to my the yellow sleeping bag on my bed, reaching my hand inside. I pull out the glasses case. I guess I have no choice. I pull the lid of the toilet down, and sit on it. I open the case, revaling a razor.

Okay lets get this shit over with.

I hold it up to the top of my shoulder, pressing down, staring straight ahead. I breathe a sigh of relief, the knot in my stomach dissapears.


I put everything away, grabbing a tissue from my box, blotting my shoulder. I should probably find a more efficient way to do this. Ah well. I flush the tissues down the toilet, grabbing some steri-strips and placing them across the wound.

Suddenly, there's a knock at the bathroom door.


'Whoever is in my flat, I will fucking murder you, cut you into pieces and feed those pieces to the ducks'.

'Nice to hear from you too man'. I roll my eyes. Fucking Hizashi. HIZASHI?

'What the hell are you doing in my flat?' I ask angrily.

'I knocked like a bazillion times, but you didn't answer so I came in with the spare key you gave me. I waited for you but you've been in there ages and I really need a piss. Talking of which, what are you doing in there?'

My stomach drops. Shit shit shit.

'Erhm, er...I, errr...was...' My mind won't come up with a decent excuse. 'Masturbating?'

Silence. I feel my cheeks heat up. God damn it! There were so many options! Having a shit, shower, even SHAVING. But no. My brain short circuited.

'O-oh'. There's an awkward silence. 'Okay man, I'll leave you to it, I'll be in your kitchen'. I hear steps heading away from the door.

Jesus fucking christ Shota Aizawa. You can never leave your bathroom again. You shall live here forever. I groan.

I put everything away, poking my head outside the door. He's not in the room. I quikly grab my clothes, shoving them on. The door opens.

'Finished?' I glare at him, accidentally activating my quirk in the process.

He bursts out laughing. 'Don't worry about it dude, completely normal.' He gives me a weird look.

'Your jumper is on backwards'. I look down, and notice that my jumper is indeed on backwards. Can this get any worse?

I awkwardly shuffle, turning it around the right way. Hizashi stares at me like I'm some sort of animal at the zoo.

I'm Fucking Fine, Okay?  - EraserMic -Where stories live. Discover now