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Ten. Go for a walk in nature. Nine, drink a strong coffee. Eight, go and cuddle Coal and Honey. Seven, go and hug Nemuri. Six, go and eat coffee and walnut cake. Five, go for a nap in my sleeping bag. Four, go have tea with Nezu. Three, go on a run with Yagi. Two, go star gazing. One. Kiss the man I love the most.

-'o. Sho?' I look up from my coffee and see Hizashi smiling at me from the kitchen. 'Sho, where'd you go?' I grunt in annoyance. 'You're never going to live that phrase down, are you?'

'Nope!' Says Hizashi cheerily, flipping a pancake. 'But seriously, what's going on up there' he pokes his forehead. 'Good things, promise' I say.

He strolls close to me, bending down so he's at eye level. 'If you're lying to me Shota, I will lick your nose'.

I snort. 'You're so weird Zashi'. 'What, you think I won't?' He takes a step closer to me. I stand up, getting in a fighting pose.

'On the contrary, I think you will. Stay back Yamada.' Hizashi lunges at me, pinning me down on the couch. He begins to tickle me.

'Please! Stop!' I giggle, trying to break free. 'Oh, what's this? The great Eraserhead can laugh!' Tears begin streaming rom my eyes.

'Please' I laugh. He stops. We lock eyes. He leans in, I close my eyes.

'URGH, ZASHI, EW!' I break away, wiping my wet nose. 'You're so fucking gross! You're such a dickhead!'. He laughs, standing up. 'Yes, but I'm your dickhead'. I roll my eyes.

'Shit! The pancakes!' Zashi bolts to the kitchen. I can't help but laugh. Idiot.

He comes back into the room, placing the pancakes on the table. I stare at them zoneing out. What if it's too much? What if the kids-

Zashi grabs my face, gently cupping it up at him. 'The kids love you. You'll do great. You're an amazing teacher'. I smile.

'How do you know what's going through my head'. He smiles. 'Because I love you'.

- later -

None of the kids know about the event. In fact, neither do most of the teachers. I'm so thankful to Nezu for that.

The only teacher that knows outside of Nem, Yagi, Nezu and Hizashi is Hound Dog, because I see him twice a weak for therapy. He's acually been pretty helpful. Helping me figure out the series of events that led me to who I am today, and come up with 'escape routes' every time I start spiraling. Before I started therapy, I didn't realise just how many types of therapy there were!

I stand by the door to 1A, breathing steadily. Okay, you can do this Aizawa.

I push open the door, and am met with 22 pairs of eyes, standing in front of a large banner that says 'WELCOME BACK PROBLEM TEACHER!' Some kids release confetti. Sato stands with a cake.

'How...'my eyes trail over until I see the culprits. Fucking Nem and Zashi. As soon as Nem sees the rage in my eyes, she squeaks, running over to help cut the cake. 'Come on kids, let's cut Aizawa a nice big slice!'

'You bastard' I sign to Hizashi, making him laugh. 'You still love me though' he responds signing. I sigh. 'Course I fucking love you, idiot' I sign. He giggles, signing 'Well, you'll just have to show me how much you love me when we get home'. I go bright red, shrinking away into myself.

'S-Sirs?' I turn around, seeing a very red Koda.

My eyes open wide. 'Y-you're dating?' How the hell did I forget that Koda signed. 'WHAT' squeals an excited Mina, rushing over to us. Oh crap. I'll never hear the end of this.

I see Hizashi, smiling. 'Yep!' He says happily, throwing an arm around my shoulders. 'Aren't we Sho?' If I thought my face was red before, I knew it certainly was now.

'Give me all the deets!' Mina giggles, as the whole of 1A begins bombarding us with questions.

'When did you start?'

'Who told who first?'

'Did you date in highschool?'

'Calm down calm down Jeez!' Hizashi says. 'One at a time'. He begins answering all their questions. All I can do is stare at him. He's so beautiful, and full of energy. The complete opposite to me.

A feel somebody poke my in the ribs. 'Admiring our boyfriend, are we?' Nem asks, wiggling her eyebrows. 'Shut up' I hiss. 'It's about time you two got together. I mean, what's it been now, like seventeen years?'

I look at her with awe. 'Was it really that obvious?' I ask. Nem laughs. 'Oh my sweet summer child, you have no idea'. I smile.

'OH MY GOD AIZAWA-SENSEI IS SMILING' I hear Denki yell. I immediately drop my mouth into a frown. 'No I'm not' I say in a monotone voice.

Hizashi walks up to me. 'Oh yeah kids, forgot to mention. He's incredibly ticklish'. I stare at him in disbelief. He begins advancing towards me slowly. I back away.

'President Michael. Stop lying to the children'. 'Ooooo' I hear the class say. 'Mum only calls me by my full name if i'm in serious trouble' Shoji says.

I continue backing away from Hizashi, begging with my eyes. He shakes his head. 'Absolutely not' he signs. 'Please' I sign back with desperation.

I hear Kirishima ask Koda 'what did he say?' Koda responds 'I think he's begging for his life'. The class errupt into laughter.

Backugo begins a chant 'Present Mic! Present Mic! Present Mic!' Some students join in, then Nem starts an opposing chant 'Eraserhead! Eraserhead! Eraserhead!'

By now I've completely backed up to the wall. Shit. How the hell do I get out of this?

He runs at me. I dash to the side, grabbing my yellow sleeping bag. He runs at me again, and I begin to place the bag over his head. 'YEAAAAH' the pressure forces the bag to lift in the air, taking off.

Damn. That was my only option. I look in the corner of the room and see my capture weapon in a drawstring bag, still unopened from that night.

I weigh up my options. Either I let Zashi tickle me, and ruin my reputation, or I put on my capture weapon.

He begins advancing again, the kids continue chanting. He runs at me. I flip out his way, grabbing the bag, throwing on my capture weapon.

I easily disarm his quirk, and roll him up in the scarf like a little cute burrito.

The class begin clapping. 'Damn, I really wanted to see him get tickled' says Mina. The bell goes, and the students begin heading to their first lesson of the day.

I put Hizashi down on the ground. He's looking at me, wearing my scarf, smiling.

'You planned this, didn't you Zash?' He smiles mischievously. 'Prehaps'.

'Dickhead' I say laughing, gently punching his arm. 'It worked though, didn't it? How do you feel?' I look down at my scarf, which smells like Hizashi's washing powder. I smile.

'I actually for once feel absolutely, and totally fine'. I say, smiling.

- end -

Hey all! Thanks for reading - I'm thinking about doing another story from Hizashi's perspective/ Shoto ASD fic? Let me know what y'all think! 

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