Chapter 1: Where am I?

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I woke up with a jolt and a gasp escaping my parted lips. Everything was dark, but I could feel myself moving. Except it wasn't me that was moving, besides shakily running my fingers across the surface of what felt like glass.

Glass? Why would I be in glass?

My heart was pounding, my head throbbing, my breath heavy. Tears brimmed my eyes but I refused to let them fall. I was confused about everything I could think of.

Who am I? Where am I? What's happening? Why am I surrounded by glass? Why can't I remember anything?

That's when it set in. I couldn't remember anything. Anything at all. Not one thing breached my mind when I searched my memories for any information that could help me, aside from my name, but it didn't seem very important to me at the time.

A blinding light aroused my eyesight and blinded me. My hand flew to my eyes and covered them from the burning light. Everything became bright and a shallow ringing echoed in my ears.

What's happening?

The light cleared. I found myself not surrounded by glass, but instead standing on a pedestal, surrounded by bright green grass. A light breeze blew through my dark hair. My sweating face worriedly looked around to see my surroundings. I saw grassy land the size of dozens of football fields, with a large forest area and walls trapping in wherever I stood.

The stone walls, dripped with ivy and plants, had an opening on the north, south, east, and west sides. I was trapped in a large stone box. Yeah, that's a good way to explain it.

I couldn't see where the openings led–they were too far away to see. What did catch my eye was something else.

Other people.

Most of them seemed to be around the same age as me, but some of them seemed to be only about twelve years old. Boys and girls alike, they all seemed as lost and confused as I was.

They were nervously looking around for an explanation for where they were and what could've been happening. Their names came flying back at me but I diverted my attention away from them when I looked forward. 

There was a large structure made of wood, in a position that made it seem like a horn. Supplies were surrounding it and there were weapons and more supplies inside.

The word cornucopia flew into my head. I didn't know why but the name seemed to fit the wooden structure perfectly.

Yeah, cornucopia definitely fit.

The structure wasn't as important to me as the people were. They were only kids, it seemed. We were all stood on pedestals surrounding the cornucopia.

Each pedestal had a name written on the front of it in sloppy, orange writing.

One was a boy with brown hair and a confused yet confident look. His pedestal said the name Marvel.

One was a girl with blonde hair pulled into two braids and pale skin. Her pedestal said the name Glimmer.

One was a boy with blonde hair and a strong build and aura. His pedestal said the name Catp.

One was a girl with dark brown hair pulled into a ponytail that flowed down her back, freckles dotting her pale face. Her pedestal said the name Clove.

One was a pale and skinny girl with red hair pulled into two buns at the side of her head. Her pedestal didn't have a name so I named her Foxface because her face reminded me of a fox.

One was a boy with tan skin and brown hair that lined his face. His pedestal said the name Birch.

One was a girl with curly red hair and a pale face. Her pedestal said the name Ivy.

One was a girl with straight blonde hair pulled into a braid that flowed down her shoulder. Her pedestal said the name Willow.

One was a short little girl with dark skin, hair, and an innocent look plastered on her frightened face. Her pedestal said the name Rue.

One was a tall dark skinned boy with dark hair and if looks could kill... His pedestal said the name Thresh.

One was a boy with blonde hair and a strong build. His pedestal said the name Peeta.

One was a boy with quite a tall height and puffy blonde hair. His pedestal said the name Newt.

One was a boy with tan skin and spiky perfect hair and strong arms. His pedestal said the name Minho.

One was a boy with dark skin and a tough and menacing look. His pedestal said the name Alby.

One was a boy with dirty blonde hair and quite long legs. His pedestal said the name Ben.

One was a short and chubby little boy with curly hair and a terrified face. His pedestal said the name Chuck.

One was a very tall boy with blonde hair and strange eyebrows. His pedestal said the name Gally.

One was a boy with tan skin and black hair. His pedestal said the name Winston.

One was a tall boy with dark skin and dark hair. His pedestal said the name Siggy. I thought Frypan was funnier.

One was a girl with pale skin and long, dark, curly hair that cascaded down her back. Her pedestal said the name Teresa.

One was a boy with brown hair circling around his head. His pedestal said the name Clint.

One was a boy with pale skin and bright blonde hair. His pedestal said the name Zart.

I didn't get to focus on the last boy because a voice boomed through the air. I didn't know where it was coming from but did it matter?

"You will all kill and survive until you are the last one standing in thirty, twenty-nine, twenty-eight, twenty-seven..."

My attention was now diverted from the other people to what the man had just said. Kill and survive until I was the last one standing?

Was I supposed to survive on my own or team up with the other kids? Why was I supposed to fight? What would happen if I did survive? Why was I there? Why were there other kids? What was the point of everything?

I stopped worrying and looked around. Okay, you've got this. Just kill and survive. Easy, right?

I immediately knew that everyone was going to head for the cornucopia and get the weapons to kill. The backpacks seemed like my safest choice.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to know what was beyond the stone cold walls. What if they led to some sort of trap that could end my life in an instant? The forest seemed the safest option. It expanded for quite some time so I would probably be safe.

Was I supposed to team up with someone or survive alone? The man had said to kill and survive until I was the last one standing so what would be the point in teaming up with someone just to kill them in the end? Alone was definitely the way to go.

Run, grab a backpack, head to the forest, then survive from there.

A large orange clock was on the cornucopia, counting down as the man counted down with it.

"Five..." Run.

"Four..." Grab a backpack.

"Three..." Head to the forest.

"Two..." Then survive from there.


A gong rang, and then the chaos set in.

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