Chapter 2: The Greatest Show Pt 1

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𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐲𝐧𝐧 𝐀𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐞

Four Weeks Later...

No, I'm not against having sex at all, but relationships are difficult as fuck, and I don't have the emotional equipment right now to deal with any of it. I'm still a little broken from my recent marriage and trying to find my way into a new path that doesn't involve my mother. 

Oh, my God

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Oh, my God... Avery? Avery Monroe?" A young woman with short black hair and a vibrantly metallic dress sidled up to her at the bar in O'Hannigan's Bar. "Can I please get a picture with you?"

"Sure," I replied, finally turning to the woman and putting on her best fake smile.

The woman held up her iPhone, turned the camera around to face them, and put on her best duck face as she posed next to me.

I just smiled and then turned back to the bar as soon as the photo was taken.

I shot back the glass of tequila and then sucked on the lime, hissing as it hit my stomach hard. I was already four shots in, and each one was helping me forget the giant ass divorce letter I was carrying around in my purse, 

Gracelynn Avery Monroe,

I am writing you this letter to tell you that I am leaving you forever.

I have been a good man to you for 10 years and I have nothing to show for it.

  I know that your mother hasn't told you that I don't want to be with you anymore,  But as soon as you are aware, she told everyone that our marriage has come to an end and that we are now officially divorced. While our relationship may have changed, I wanted to reach out to you to express my desire to never write, text, or call me ever again...I love you but  I want to thank you for setting me free to me. Thank you, I did not become what you wanted me to be rather than what I deeply desired to be. 

I Don't Love Anymore, Ethan McCall Taylor

P.S. Don't try to find me. your father and I are moving away to Paris together!

The only thing on my mind tonight is the brown-eyed devil who put his lips on mine.

The next morning, Cassidy and I go for a run in the shaded park in our neighborhood, like we do every weekday, rain or shine. Each of us wears an armband with our iPod inside, but today, it seems we're listening to nothing but each other.

"You made Twitter, you whore. That was supposed to be me." She's clicking through her cell phone, and I scowl, trying to peer at what she's reading.

"Then you should've given him your cell instead of mine."

"He calls yet?"

"'Your mother's dinner at eleven. Leave the crazy best friend home,' was all he said."

"Haha!" she says, grabbing my phone, handing me hers, and pressing my passcode to get into my messages.

I narrow my eyes because the devious little cat knows all my passwords, and I probably couldn't hold a secret from her even if I wanted to. I pray she doesn't see my Google history, or she'll know I've been stalking him. I honestly don't even want to get into the fact that I've been punching his name into the Google search bar more times than I can count. Thankfully, Mel just checks my missed calls, and of course, there's no call from him.

Judging from the articles I read last night, Adonis Creed is a party god, sex god, and basically, a god. And a troublemaker, to boot. At this exact point in time, he's probably hung over and drunk, littered with sated naked ladies in his bed, and thinking, "Gracie who?"

Cassidy snatches her phone back, clears her throat, and reads the Twitter feed. "Okay, there are several new comments you should hear. 'Unprecedented! Did you all see Adonis Creed kissing a spectator? Holy crap, what a rush! I heard a brawl ensued when he tried to go after her and shoved a man! Fighting out of the ring is illegal and CREED might not be allowed to fight for the rest of the season or eternity. Yeah, that's why he got kicked out of Pro! Well, I'm not going if Creed isn't fighting.' These are all multiple commentators," Cassidy explains as she lowers her phone and grins. "I love that they call him CREED. So his opponents rest in peace. Get it? Anyway, if he's fighting, he's got just this Saturday before the fight moves to the next city. Are we going or are we going?"

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