Chapter 15: Shadowboxer Of The Suns

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I turn into the driveway of the Fairmont Grand Del Mar. A valet scrambles out to meet us and I pull up toward him.

"Come," I say to Grace and get out of the car to retrieve our luggage. I toss the keys to the enthusiastic young man. "Name of Dylan," I inform him.

The lobby is quiet, save for some random woman and her dog. At this time? Odd.

The receptionist checks us in. "Do you need a hand with your bags, Mr. Dylan?" she asks.

"No, Mrs. Dylan and I can manage."

"You're in the Cascade Suite, Mr. Dylan, eleventh floor. Our bellboy will help with your bags."

"We're fine. Where are the elevators?"

She directs us, and as we wait, I ask Grace how she's holding up. She looks worn out.

"It's been an interesting evening," she says, with her usual gift for understatement.

Dylan has booked us into the largest suite in the hotel. I'm surprised to discover it has two bedrooms. I wonder if He expects us to sleep apart, as I do with my submissives. Maybe I should tell him this doesn't apply to Grace.

"Well, Mrs. Dylan, I don't know about you, but I'd like a drink," I say, as Ana follows me into the master bedroom, where I set our overnight bags on the ottoman.

Back in the main living room, there's a fire burning in the hearth. Ana warms her hands while I fix a drink at the bar. She looks glamorous and adorable, and her dark hair shines coppery and bright in the firelight.


"Please," she says.

By the fire, I hand her a brandy glass. "It's been quite a day, huh?" I gauge her reaction. Given all the drama of the evening, I'm amazed that she hasn't broken down and wept by now.

"I'm okay," she says. "How about you?"

I'm wired.


I know of one thing that will give me relief.

You, Miss Avery Monroe.

My panacea.

"Well, right now I'd like to drink this, and then, if you're not too tired, take you to bed and lose myself in you." I'm chancing my luck. She must be exhausted.

"I think that can be arranged, Mr. Dylan," she says and rewards me with a shy smile.

Oh, Gracelynn. You're my heroine.

I slip out of my shoes and socks. "Mrs. Dylan, stop biting your lip," I murmur. She takes a sip of her Armagnac and closes her eyes. She hums her appreciation for her drink. The sound is soft mellow and oh-so sexy.

I feel it in my groin.

She is something else.

"You never cease to astonish me, Bumblebee. After a day like today or yesterday, somewhat, you're not whining or running off into the hills screaming. I am in wonderment of you. You're powerful."

" Well, tell that to my mother who thinks so much little of me, " 

" Fuck her, she thinks she is the Queen Of England, " I said.

"I told you, Adonis, I'm not going anywhere, no matter what you've done. You know how I feel about you."

"You always have such talent of being a devoted, high-spirited woman of mine," I say, the words a growl of pure male pleasure.

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