Chapter 11: Never Let Me Go

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The door opens, rousing me, and my mother, Mary Anne enters. "Hello, darling," she whispers, her face pale—devoid of makeup. She looks as tired and drained as I feel.

"Mom." I'm too weary to stand.

"I'm just checking in, Duke told me everything, I'm so sorry, is she okay"

"No change."

Mary Anne picks up Grace's medical chart from the end of her bed and scans the notes. Her eyes widen and she gasps. "She's pregnant!"

I nod, too shattered and anxious to do anything else.

"Oh, Adonis, that's wonderful news. Congratulations." She steps forward and grasps my shoulder.

"Thanks, Mom. It's early days." I think.

"I understand. Couples usually announce at twelve weeks. Darling, you're exhausted. Go home and sleep."

I shake my head. "I'll sleep when Grace wakes."

" You do love her, don't you," She asked

" I have never loved anyone like I loved her, she makes me feel like a better man, I want to give her the world, I want to be with her, " I said.

She presses her lips together but doesn't comment, and bending down she kisses my head. "She'll wake, dear. Just give her a little time. Try and get some sleep."

"Bye, Mom."

She ruffles my hair. "I'll see you in the morning." She exits as quietly as she arrives, leaving me more bereft than ever.

Just to torture myself, and also to stay awake, I replay my misdemeanors of the last couple of days.

I've been an asshole.

About the baby.

My eyes droop, and my head drops forward, jolting me awake.


I gaze at my wife, willing her to open her eyes.

Grace. Please. Come back to me. "And then I can apologize. Properly. Please, baby." Taking her hand, I bring it to my lips once more and kiss each knuckle. "I miss you."

Leaning back, I close my eyes, just for a second.

Friday, September 16, 2011

I woke up a moment later. Shit. How long have I slept? I check my watch—nearly three hours. Glancing over at my wife, I see she's still slumbering peacefully.

Except she's not asleep. She's unconscious.

"Come back to me, baby," I whisper.


"Duke! You startled me."

"Sorry." Duke emerges from the shadows.

"How long have you been standing there?"

"Not long. I didn't want to wake you. The nurse was just here checking Gracelynn's vitals. It's all good." He stares down at my wife. "Mary Anne tells me she's carrying my niece." His eyes shine in reverence as he gazes at her.

"Yes. She is."

"Congratulations, kid."

I give him a bleak smile. "She put the child and herself at risk." I shiver and don't know if it's because the night air is cooler or because Ana could so easily be dead.

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