Chapter 21: And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...

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"Eva ... You're the only force on earth that can keep me away."

"Thank you for that, too," I murmured, my chest tight. Our recent separation had been brutal for both of us. "I know it wasn't easy for you to give me space, but we needed it. And I know I pushed you hard ...."

"Too hard."

My mouth curved at the quick bite of ice in his words. Johnathan wasn't a man used to being denied what he wanted. But as much as he'd hated being deprived of access to me, we were together now because that deprivation drove him forward. "I know. And you let me because you love me."

"It's more than love." His hands banded my wrists, tightening in an authoritative way that made everything inside me surrender.

I nodded, no longer afraid to admit that we needed each other to a degree some would consider unhealthy. It was who we were, and what we had. And it was precious.

Outside on the curb, William is waiting. He opens the rear door of the car. I glance hesitantly at Johnathan who has followed me out. He's looking toward the Audi SUV in dismay.

" He's here, I'll see you at Lauren's Gallery, love you, " Johnathan said.

I turn and climb into the back, and there he sits - Adonis - wearing his gray suit, no tie, his white shirt open at the collar. His brown eyes are glowing.

My mouth dries. He looks glorious except he's scowling at me. Oh no!

"When did you last eat?" he snaps as William closes the door behind me.

Crap. "Hello, Adonis. Yes, it's nice to see you, too."

"I don't want your smart mouth now. Answer me." His eyes blaze.

Holy shit. "Um... I had a yogurt at lunchtime. Oh - and a banana."

"When did you last have a proper meal?" he asks acidly.

William slips into the driver's seat, starts the car, and pulls out into the traffic.

I glance up and John is waving at me, though how he can see me through the dark glass, I don't know. I wave back.

"Who's that?" Adonis snaps.

"My husband." I peek up at the beautiful man beside me, and his mouth is pressed into a hard line.

"Well? Your last meal?"

"Adonis, that really is none of your concern," I murmur, feeling extraordinarily brave.

"Whatever you do concerns me. Tell me."

No, it doesn't. I groan in frustration, rolling my eyes heavenward, and He narrows his eyes. And for the first time in a long time, I want to laugh. I try hard to stifle the giggle that threatens to bubble up. Adonis's face softens as I struggle to keep a straight face, and I see a trace of a smile kiss his beautifully sculptured lips.

"Well?" he asks, his voice softer.

"Pasta alla vongole, last Friday," I whisper.

He closes his eyes as fury and possibly regret, sweeps across his face. "I see," he says, his voice expressionless. "You look like you've lost at least five pounds, possibly more since then. Please eat, Gracie," he scolds.

I stare down at the knotted fingers in my lap. Why does he always make me feel like an errant child?

He shifts and turns toward me. "How are you?" he asks, his voice still soft.

Well, I'm shit really... I swallow. "If I told you I was fine, I'd be lying."

He inhales sharply. "Me, too," he murmurs and reaches over and clasps my hand. "I miss you," he adds.

Oh no. Skin against skin.

"Adonis, I - "

"Grace, please. We need to talk."

I'm going to cry. No. "Adonis, I... please... I've cried so much," I whisper, trying to keep my emotions in check

"Oh, baby, no." He tugs my hand, and before I know it I'm on his lap. He has his arms around me, and his nose is in my hair. "I've missed you so much, Grace," he breathes.

I want to struggle out of his hold, to maintain some distance, but his arms are wrapped around me. He's pressing me to his chest. I melt. Oh, this is where I want to be.

I rest my head against him, and he kisses my hair repeatedly. This is home. He smells of linen, fabric softener, body wash, and my favorite smell - Adonis. For a moment, I allow myself the illusion that all will be well, and it soothes my ravaged soul.

A few minutes later William pulls to a stop at the curb, even though we're still in the city.

"Come" - He shifts me off his lap - "we're here."


"Helipad - on the top of this building." Adonis glances toward the building by way of explanation.

Of course. Brother Brooks. William opens the door and I slide out. He gives me a warm, avuncular smile that makes me feel safe. I smile back.

"I should give you back your handkerchief."

"Keep it, Miss Monroe, with my best wishes."

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