Chapter 14: Angel Numbers / Ten Toes

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𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐲𝐧𝐧 𝐀𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐞

𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐲𝐧𝐧 𝐀𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐞

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"I'm sorry, I startled you."

I gape at her. Holy cow - what the fuck does this woman want?

I don't know what the social conventions are for meeting known molesters of children.

She's smiling sweetly and gesturing for me to sit at the table. And because I lack any sphere of reference, I do as she asks out of stunned politeness, grateful that I am still wearing my mask.

"I'll be brief, Avery. I know what you think of me... your mother told me... and may I say I'm so sorry about your bastard dying inside your stomach, sorrows and prayers"

I gaze at her impassively, giving nothing away, but I'm pleased that she knows. It saves me from telling her, and she's cutting to the chase. Part of me is beyond intrigued as to what she could have to say.

She pauses, glancing over my shoulder. "Dylan watching us."

I peek around to see him scanning the tent by the doorway. Sawyer is with him. They are looking anywhere but at us.

"Look, we don't have long," she says hurriedly. "It must be obvious to you that Christian is in love with you. I have never seen him like this, ever." She emphasizes the last word.

What? Loves me? No. Why is she telling me? To reassure me? I don't understand.

"He won't tell you because he probably doesn't realize it himself, notwithstanding what I've said to him, but that's Adonis. He's not very attuned to any positive feelings and emotions he may have. He dwells far too much on the negative. But we've been fucking since the day you lost the baby."

And hearing it from this woman, having her confirm it for me is, frankly, unwelcome.

I'd rather hear it from him.

" No, he wouldn't fuck a hag like you,"

" Watch it, bitch " She said Her threat is so astonishing, so off the wall that an involuntary, disbelieving giggle escapes me. Of all the things she could say to me, this is the least expected.

"You think this is funny, slut?" she splutters in dismay. "You didn't see him last Saturday."

" I should be going, Adonis, and I have nothing to do with you. And if I do leave him, he'll come looking for me, I'll be waiting - don't doubt it. I'll be his everything and you'll be nothing to him,"

Her mouth falls open, she grabbed me by the neck and then said " He's mine, Don't you ever mock me, you smug slut, " as she flings out a knife towards my cheek and then swipes it across it, then I screamed so loud that she ran out of the bathroom, I called Adonis. then I saw Diane running towards me and holding my head. 

" Darling, darling...oh my god," I looked up at Adonis, and then I caressed his face and then said " I want her head, I want you to tell her that she needs to know that you moved with me, not her," 

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