Chapter 7: The Diamond In The Rough

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What secret knowledge is clasped between your pillars?
What primal night does Man touch with his senses?
Ay, Love is a journey through waters and stars,
through suffocating air, sharp tempests of grain:
Love is a war of lightning,
and two bodies ruined by a single sweetness.

𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐲𝐧𝐧 𝐀𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐞 ( Continuing ) 

My teeth sank into my lip as I added, "That suit looks amazing on you."

A subtle, extremely hot grin tugged at his mouth. "My meeting ran late. I didn't have time to change."

"No complaints here."

He reached for me. "Get in here."

I was suddenly in his arms, our bodies pressed together, my bag falling from my shoulder as I wrapped my arms around him, his mouth ravishing mine.

He tasted just the way I remembered.

The way I'd been dreaming about.

Of lust.



And the harder he kissed me, the more I felt.

He left my bag where it had landed and led me into his room, bringing me straight to the bed. He took a seat on the edge while I stood between his legs. His stare danced down my body, taking in the sight of me, the same way I had done to him in the doorway.

"It's too warm out for that coat." His gaze turned so hungry. I was instantly wet. "Peach, what's waiting for me under there?"

"A present," I whispered.

I pulled at the tie that kept the jacket secure, the sides falling open, revealing the costume.

"Fuck ... me." He pulled my jacket off and gripped my waist, holding me so tightly. His eyes dipped to my four-inch heels, like he'd never seen me before, like his mouth hadn't kissed every inch of my skin. "This is all for me?"

I felt like a plate of wagyu and Adonis was a ravenous carnivore.

"Every bit of it."

He finally gazed up. "God, I'm one lucky motherfucker." Our eyes met again. "You look fucking gorgeous." He licked across his lips, as though he were getting ready to eat, gently tracing the area between my shirt and skirt. "Man, mmm ..." He shook his head. "My soul is fucking aching for you."

"What are you going to do to me, Hollywood?" I widened my stance, revealing more of the garter belt. "I've been a bad, bad student."

"Oh yeah? What kind of trouble have you gotten into?"

I went to take my heels off, and he stopped me and said, "Leave everything on."

He went over to the closet, disappearing inside. When he returned, he had something in his hand that was white, revealing just a flash of it as he moved his arm behind his back.

"Do you trust me?" He stood at my side, his knees close enough for me to touch.

He'd never asked me that before.

He'd also never given me a reason not to trust him.


"You're sure?" His eyes narrowed. "Because this is all about trust ..."


Air was caught in my throat, making it so difficult to take a breath, my body almost shaking. "Yes."

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