Meeting Again

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Present day

Me and Alaina are super stoked for tonight; we're going to a Bring Me The Horizon concert and we've got really good seats.

The last concert I went to was nearly four years ago when I was on tour with the boys so to be in the audience again will feel amazing. And they're one of my all time favourite bands which makes it a whole lot more special.

"Are you ready yet?" Alaina screeches from the hall way. I'm in my room and I can hear her high pitched voice.

"Come up and see, you lazy arse." I shout back. I'm applying the finishing touches to my make up when she bursts through the door looking mega cute.

She's wearing shorts with a halter neck top. Not very appropriate for a concert but I can't stop her. I'm wearing black jeans with an oversized tshirt and all black converse.

"You could've put a bit more effort into your outfit Esme. You never know, you might bump into a guy you like but he won't like you because you look like shit!" she says. I'm offended.

"Oh shut up! At least I'm attracting the kind of guys I'm into, not the creeps who go for girls wearing barely there shorts." I say with a laugh.

"They're here...They're not that short!" she exclaims and I shake my head.

"They're very short." I say and she sticks her tongue out.

"Anyway. I don't care if I look bad, I'm not trying to attract anyone, I just want to have fun." I say and grab my bag as we get ready to go out.

At the venue

As we're getting to our seats we notice how young the audience is.

"We're like the eldest here!" I say to Alaina.

"It doesn't matter, we're here to have fun remember." she says and I nod. The audience is minimum 14 and we're 22. That's a big age gap but we've grown up listening to the band so I guess we can't complain.

Their support act is Enter Shikari and I'm so excited for them to come on stage. They're due on any minute now.

The seats around us fill up with excited fans and someone taps me on the shoulder, I look to my right and standing there is Austin.

I feel my eyes fill up with tears and I tug on Alaina's arm. She looks at me and her eyes widen when she sees who is behind me.

"I need to get out of here!" I say to her. I look around and there is no way of getting out without disturbing the whole row of seats. The tears have started and she's trying to calm me down.

"Esme, calm down. It's ok, don't worry just forget about everything that happened and try to enjoy the show." she says, holding my hands. I nod shakily and look back at him.

He gives me a warm smile and I notice that he is with a girl. She looks at me with a disgusted look. I want to slap her so hard, how dare she look at me like I'm scum!

"How're you?" he asks me.

"I'm fine." I reply quickly, not looking at him.

"Are you getting better now?" he asks and I look at him.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Alan told me that you were in hospital a while ago." he says.

"Yeah, I got out about six months ago. I'm fine." I say.

"Oh...oh sorry this is my girlfriend River." Austin introduces me to the girl by his side who is still giving me dirty looks.

"Nice to meet you. I'm a...friend of Austin's." I say, feeling myself choking on the word 'friend'. I so desperately want to put the word 'girl' before it.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"Supporting one of my best mates, aren't I?" he replies talking about Oli, the singer in Bring Me The Horizon.

"Of course." I say.

After the concert

The rest of the concert goes ok except I could see River and Austin out of the corner of my eye kissing. They were all over eachother and I'm 100% sure that Austin made sure that happened because he's spiteful and wants to get at me.

On the way out of the venue me and Alaina walk as quickly as we can to the car.

"Esme wait!" I hear Austin call. I look back and he's running after us. I get into the car and Alaina starts the car. Austin runs in front of the car and Alaina stops it just before the car makes contact with Austin.

"Esme can I speak to you?" he asks.

"Why!?" I ask.

"Please, just come out of the car." he begs and I do.

River comes running up to us.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!? You nearly ran my boyfriend over you little bitch!" she screams and slaps me hard.

"Excuse me but your 'precious boyfriend' threw himself in front of the car!" I scream back at her and yank at her hair.

"Get off me you freak!" she yells and I push her away from me, causing her to fall to the floor.

"Ok, can I speak to you now?" Austin asks, not fazed by what happened.

"Austin!! She just attacked me! Why don't you care?" she shouts at him while she's still on the floor.

"Because you deserved it! You slapped her when she didn't do anything and you're acting like such a bitch today!" he shouts to her and she gasps. She's such a fucking drama queen.

"You know what!? I'm done with you. We're over, you're meant to be on my side and you never are!" she shouts and storms off.

"Aren't you gonna run after her?" I ask him rudely.

"No, she dumped me, why would I go after her?" he asks.

"Because you're so in love with her that you can't see a life without her!" I say and he laughs, not showing the slightest bit of guilt.

"I understand that you're jealous bu-" he starts.

"Jealous!? I'm not fucking jealous!" I scream and get back into the car. Alaina drives off and we leave Austin in the car park by himself.

"Glad you took on that River girl. She was so sassy!" Alaina says and I nod.

"Austin thought I was jealous of her! How fucking pathetic! Why would I be jealous of a bitch like her?" I ask, raising my voice.

"You may not be jealous of her but I think you're jealous of the fact that Austin's in love with someone that isn't you." Alaina says.

I think about that and I hate to admit it to myself but it's true. I'm jealous that Austin doesn't love me. I want him to love me again.

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