Last Day

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"What are we going to do with you, Esme? You're crazy." Austin laughs. I know it's a worried laugh, he's not finding any of this funny.

"He was being a I decked him." I say.

He tells me, for the a billionth time, about how I can't keep doing this when I clash with people.

"Yeah, yeah ok whatever. You've told me this before." I say, tired.

"I keep on telling you this because you never listen, do you!? When is it going to get through to you that violence isn't the answer?" Austin says, loudly.

"I...But..." I start. But I can't find an argument against his. He's right.

A while later

I've had lots of people come up to me, asking me what happened and I'm getting bored retelling the story so I've changed the story a lot to make it more interesting, it's fun watching people's reactions when I tell them that Damon got me pregnant.

"Esme. Feeling ok?" Kellin asks me.

"I'm fine...I think Damon's the one who needs your concern." I tell him.

"He's gone to hospital...I don't want to get on the wrong side of you! You've got one mean right hook" he jokes.

"Yeah. Well, it shouldn't have happened...he was kinda hot." I say, regretting it.

Kellin laughs.

"He'll be fine, just don't go punching everyone you see. He's Austin's best mate, you're gonna have to get to like him." Kellin says.

He leaves me thinking about it. I don't know what's wrong with me, I didn't like the way Damon was talking about me, he made me sound like I was some desperate girl who needed to be loved. I'm not, I know I'm not.


The next day

Austin's POV

Some people decided to crash out at ours but the majority of people went home. Damon is back from the hospital with a patched up nose. It's breakfast time and he's shooting daggers at Esme from across the table. I didn't see Esme come to bed last night, or after I spoke to her either. I hadn't seen her for ages and she seemed a

"Oh will you stop being so immature!" I raise my voice as I get up from the table to put my bowl away.

Esme stifles a laugh.

"Oi. Damon." she says. I turn around to look at her, what is she going to say now? Damon looks up at her.

"Sorry for the uh ....broken nose. I didn't mean for that to happen and I guess we've gotta get on if we're both close with Austin." she says.

Damon's face lights up.

"Yeah, I agree. We'll start again, pretend that never happened." Damon says, forgiving Esme.

"Wait. What!? How did that happen? Why're you being so nice!?" I say to Esme, astonished.

She shrugs like it's nothing.

"It's not that amazing, calm down Austin!" she says to me.

I shake my head in disbelief.

"Come here." I say to her and she does, I open my arms for a hug and she hugs me.

The weekend has gone so quickly. We're gonna be back in California tomorrow. Back to work, back to life.


"Did you have a good holiday?" Alan asks me.

"Yeah, it was great, it's nice to be back though." I say, sighing.

"What happened to Esme? Why is her neck bruised?" Alan changes the subject. I know he thinks I did it.

"Before you call the police, it wasn't me, it was Damon. She's fine though, they got into a fight but they've sorted it." I tell him.

"Speaking of Esme, where is she?" he asks.

"She's down at the care home with Ella." I say.

A couple of hours later

I hear the front door shut. She's home.

"Hi honey." I shout but she doesn't reply, she goes straight upstairs.

"What's wrong?" I shout but she slams our bedroom door.

I run up the stairs and try to open the door but she's locked herself in, I can hear her putting stuff up against the door and it becomes harder to turn the door handle.

"Babe, please open up! What's happened?" I ask her. No reply.

I can hear her sobbing, I hear the dresser drawer open, the sound of metal and scrambling and I hear the bathroom door lock. She's locked herself in the bathroom. She's relapsing.

Die For You (Ten Days With Austin Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now