While my dad has been staying, we have been going out a lot more, we've been to a couple of restaurants, we even took him to the cinema. I know he enjoys football and baseball so I took him to a couple of games.

The days have been passing quickly, I guess it's because I've had my mind on other things; my dad being the primary source.

Esme is out with Ella and my dad is out too, so it's just me. It's the middle of the afternoon and I've been incredibly lazy the whole day, I haven't moved a limb since my dad left in the morning.

I hear the doorbell, it must be Esme. Once I open the door I see River standing there. Oh shit.

Her hair is dyed a bright blue and her make up is as heavy as always. She's standing with her arms crossed and she looks angry.

She walks into my house, pushing past me.

"Make yourself at home." I say bitterly.

She struts into the living room and sits herself down on the couch.

"You're a dick." she says.

Here we go. This is going to go shit.

"Yeah, I know." I sigh, rubbing my face.

"Why do you suddenly give a shit about Esme? You fucking hated her when you first met her." I point out.

"Yeah, well the only way to get revenge on you for what happened between us is for me to ruin your relationship with Esme. And it's not like I made anything up, I just told her what happened." she says.

She's right, she didn't make a single thing up but it's still making my blood boil.

"And if I hadn't told her she would've found out some other way and it wouldn't have been pretty...besides, you cheated on me as well as her." she says.

"I'm sorry, ok! I don't love you, I don't even know why I was with you. I guess you were the replacement Esme for me, I needed to get her off my mind when we'd broken up." I say.

"And what about after you'd got back together?" she questions.

"I didn't really know how to tell either of you so I didn't...I know you're upset but there is nothing I can say or do that will bring us back together because I don't like you. You're a sly little bitch who gets off on people's sadness. I love Esme and she is the only one I love...just leave, ok? We're nothing and we never were." I say, exhausted, not caring what she says.

I look up at her and her mouth is agape. She looks shocked and I know she has no words whatsoever.

She slowly gets up and walks herself to the door, I hear the door open, some footsteps and then the door close. She's gone, and left me with my thoughts.

A couple of hours later

"Hey Alan, do you think you could come over for a bit, I need some cheering up."

"Yeah, sure, dude. See you in a bit." he replies and I put down the phone.

All I need right now is my best mate, Netflix and some pizza. I need to forget about all the bad stuff happening, it's no good for me.


While Alan has been round we've watched two movies so far, we're onto our third, Inside Out.

"I saw this when it came out in the cinema, it was so good!" Alan squeals.

"You're how old and you're acting like a child? This is a kids movie, man!" I say.

"But it's a Disney movie. Just watch it and appreciate the wonderful thing you're about to watch." he says and waves me away.

The movie turns out to be good and I did shed a couple of tears when watching it. I try and wipe away my tears before the lights get switched back on by Alan.

"Were you crying?" Alan laughs.

"It was sad, ok? Sorry for having feelings." I say as I wipe my eyes.

I hear the door unlock and heavy footsteps. Dad.

He walks in, beaming.

"Hi dad, you ok?" I ask and he nods.

"I'm great, thanks for asking. So good to see you again, Alan!" he says, giving Alan a hug.

"Yeah, you too. How've you been?" Alan asks.

I go into the kitchen to get dad a drink while him and Alan catch up and I can't help but notice the time. It's 9:30 and Esme still isn't back, she never normally takes this long visiting Ella. I ring her phone but she doesn't pick up. Where the hell is she?

Esme's POV

"You're crazy, Esme!" Alaina says down the phone.

"I don't care! I just need some time away. Please just let me stay with you!" I beg with her.

"You know there isn't enough space in my flat for both of us! How long would it be for?" she asks.

"Forever?" I whisper.

"Oh stop being so immature! Just stay with him, you're running away from someone you know loves you! You're just gonna have to put up with-" I end the call before she even has time to finish her sentence. If she isn't going to help me I'll be fine on my own.

Die For You (Ten Days With Austin Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now