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"So you're in London with Austin and you bumped into eachother and now he's in hospital?" Alan asks, trying to get his head around what I just told him over the phone.

"Yeah." I say.

"But you hate him!!!" he says.

"I guess I don't hate him I'm just angry about what he did." I explain.

"OK..right. So our tour has to be cancelled?" he asks.

"Yeah." I reply.

"Great. I'll get a flight to London as quickly as possible." he sighs and we say bye.

I go back into Austin's hospital room.

"Alan's booking a flight to London to come and see you." I tell him and he nods.

"I can't believe this, this is crazy. I'm gonna be off for months, I know I am." he sighs.

"Don't worry about it, the fans will understand. It was my fault anyway." I tell him.

He tries to sit up but he winces. I help him sit up and he thanks me.

"How is it your fault?" he asks me.

"I made you crash your car! I was a distraction to you." I say and he chuckles.

"You are a distraction, yes. But it was my fault, I wasn't looking. It doesn't matter who's fault it was, it's happened now and we can't do anything to have stopped it." he says to me.

I lean in to give him a hug, I feel so guilty but I don't know why I do. I guess it's horrible seeing someone you love get hurt.

"Do you want to ring River?" I ask and release him from the hug.

"No, she's not my girlfriend, why would I ring her?" he asks.

"I'm not your girlfriend but I'm sure you would've rung me to tell me what happened to you." I say.

"Yeah but it's different with you." he says.

"Why? You were probably with River longer than you were with me and she probably let you do anything and everything to her because she's a slut." I tell him.

"I have more respect for you. You're grounded and you know what you wanna do with your life, she doesn't. She just sleeps around with guys. I felt like I had a real connection with you and that you understood me so of course I'd ring you." he says.

"OK, I get the point. I'm gonna stay with you tonight but once Alan gets here I'll go. I'll visit every couple of days or so depending on how busy I am." I tell him, changing the subject.

"Thanks." he thanks me quietly.

6 hours later

Austin's just come out of a big operation to fix his legs and lung. They said they couldn't do everything at once so they split it into two operation, thank God that was the second operation.

He's looking pale and lifeless, he won't eat and he's barely talking.

"Please do something! It's horrible seeing you like this!" I say to him and his brown eyes stare back at me, they've lost their sparkle and there's nothing special about them anymore.

"I can't do this!" I say and walk out of his room, out of the hospital and into my car all the way home.

"Oh my gosh! Is he ok?" Alaina gasps once she hears what has happened.

"He's just come out of his second operation and he's looking so pale...there's no sparkle in his eyes. I couldn't stay in there with him just staring at me like that." I tell her and she gives me a sympathetic look.

I sprawl out over the sofa and Alaina joins me once she's turned the TV on. Phineas and Ferb is on so we don't change the channel.

I get a call from Austin.

"Can you come back? I'm bored." he says and I roll my eyes, aware that he can't see me.

"I'm bringing Alaina this time though." I say and he thanks me.

"Come on, you're coming to the hospital with me." I say and drag her off the sofa.

At the hospital

"Can we go visit Austin Carlile please?" I ask at the reception.

"He's in the operating theater at the moment but you can wait in his room if you want." the woman says and I nod.

He's not meant to be operated on again, unless something bad has happened...

"I'm sure he's fine. Don't worry about it." Alaina tries to reassure me.

I hope he's ok, I wouldn't wish anything bad to happen to him, he's gone through too much already. A doctor walks into the room.

"Why is he being operated on again?" I ask, panicked.

"Marfan syndrome. He was diagnosed with it at a very early age and he was in hospital for it only a couple of years ago but he unexpectedly fell unconscious as his heart is struggling to function properly, we're seeing what's wrong." he tells me.

"I completely forgot about that. I read that if it isn't treated properly it can lead to an early death. Do you know what you're doing?" I ask.

"Don't worry, he's in safe hands." the doctor says and walks out, leaving me and Alaina in shock.

"Great." I sigh. I don't know how we're going to get out of this one.

Die For You (Ten Days With Austin Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now