Relationship Goals

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"I'm going to pick my dad up from the airport. See you in a bit." I shout up to Esme.

"Ok." comes the reply.

We've made up now and we're friends. I'm glad of that because I really can't lose her.

My dad's flight is due to land in about an hour and a half so that gives me enough time to get to the airport and pick him up.

As I'm waiting for my dad, I see a couple of teenagers heading my way. Fans I'm guessing.

"Hi, Austin. Would it be ok if we got a couple of pictures with you please?" one of the boys asks.

"Yeah, sure. What are your names?" I ask them.

"I'm Jordan and this is Alex." Jordan says, pointing to himself and then Alex.

We take the pictures and they hang around chatting to me.

"You know you're in Kerrang!, AP and Rock Sound magazines all the time." Alex says. I had no idea.

"Why is that?" I ask, confused and curious.

"Everything going on between you, Alan and Esme. You haven't been on social media much so the rock world is wondering what has happened to you." he explains.

"Well I'm fine, Alan's fine and Esme's fine too. We're all bloody fine. Why do people care so much anyway!?" I say, frustrated at the lack of privacy I get.

"We're your fans, that's kinda what we do." Jordan says with a laugh.

I guess he's right.

"So you're ok with everything happening around you and stuff?" Alex asks.

"Yeah, I'm good. Had an argument with Esme yesterday but we've sorted it now." I tell them, unsure of why I told them that.

"You two seem like a good couple. Like, you seem happy and...I hope I can have a relationship like yours one two are relationship goals." Jordan says.

"You don't want a relationship like ours, it's rocky. The trust between us is being broken down all the time. She's finding it hard to trust me more and more." I sigh.

"Wow! You certainly hide that, it doesn't seem like that, even with all the stuff with Alan and the baby happening." Jordan replies.

"Yeah, well, we're getting better. It's just a bit hard at the moment, once Ella is home and we're all settled hopefully we'll be happy again." I tell them both.

We spend a while talking and I'm sad when they say they have to go, speaking with fans always seems to help me, I'm so grateful for every single one we have.

I see my dad walking towards me so I get up to greet him.

"Hi, son. How are you?" he asks me as I hug him tightly.

"I'm good, dad. How are you?" I ask him.

He looks healthy. Which is good. Once I've collected his bags we head back home.

"So. Problems between you and Esme." Dad says as I'm driving out of the airport car park.

"Yeah. We've sorted out our little fight yesterday but there is an awkward tension between us." I inform him.

"Even the best of us have arguments with our significant other. Don't stress over it, it'll blow over soon." he tells me.

"She knows I'm a sociopath." I say.

"Yeah, well she would have known that from day one." he says with a chuckle.

I sigh and rub the back of my neck, this is awkward.

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