1987: Keep up, Michelangelo!

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The 1987 turtles are going to a new amusement park. But Michelangelo has been having trouble maintaining his blood sugar levels. Will he be able to enjoy the day or will it have to be cut short?

"Come on guys, we have to leave soon to go to the new theme park that just opened." Leonardo said with excitement in his voice.

"Geez, calm down Leonardo. You're more excited than the time Michelangelo found $5 in the sewers." Donatello said while getting his bō staff.

"Speaking of Michelangelo, where is the cowabunga kid anyway?" Raphael said while entering the room.

"I have no idea." Donatello replied.

Meanwhile, Michelangelo was in his room, he was irritated and tired. He tried to get his blood sugar level but he wasn't able to keep it that way.

"Come on , Michelangelo. It's time to go!" Leonardo called from the other room.

"Comming dude." He mumbled as he grabbed his nunchucks.

They put on their clothes and left the lair to get there early (suggested by Leonardo) but Michelangelo was lagging behind a bit. He couldn't think straight and he was feeling really dizzy. Raphael noticed this first.

"Keep up, Michelangelo. Hurry up!" He shouted back.

"OK, OK. Chill dude." Michelangelo said with slight irritants in his voice.

Donatello realise a change in his brothers attitude and started to feel concerned.

"Are you OK Michelangelo, you seem a bit of today." Donatello asked slowing down his pace to walk next to the youngest.

"Yea. Just my blood sugars being all wackey." He said

"Are you sure your up for today? We can turn back if you want." Donatello suggested.

"No dude. We've waited to long for this. I'm not going to ruin it because of my diabetes." He said with a determined look in his eye.

"OK, but if you feel weird or anything just tell me and we'll go home. Ok?"

"OK." Michelangelo knew he wasn't going to tell Donatello anything. They've been looking forward to this day for weeks, especially Leonardo. He's not going to let them down.

After a while, they reached the theme park. And all of them were so excited, we'll all of them except Michelangelo. He was dizzier than ever and he struggled to walk in a straight line.

"Keep up, Michelangelo!" Leonardo called out.

They all reached the first ride, thanks to Michelangelo's diabetes, they all got to skip to the front of the queues. So no more waiting in lines.

"Thanks Michelangelo. Getting to skip lines is awesome." Raphael said.

"No problemo dude. That's the type of luxury you get when you're with me." He joked.

They got the the front of the queue where then showed their tickets to the ticket guy and boarded the ride. When the ride started, Michelangelo leaned onto Leonardo's shoulder.

"Are you OK, Michelangelo? You look a bit pale." Leonardo asked.

"Yea dude, just a little tired. I'll be OK." He said while holding a thumbs up.

"If you insist." Leonardo said while buckling both him and Michelangelo up in the cart that they shared.

The ride was fast spinning cups and Michelangelo did enjoy himself a bit but he was to tired to care. Once they got off, they went on many other rides. Raphael chose a roler coaster, Donatello chose bumber cars and Leonardo chose another fast ride. But every time they went to another ride, somebody would say "Keep up, Michelangelo." And he was getting tired of it.

"OK Michelangelo, it's your turn to pick." Raph said while holding some more tickets.

"Oh yea. I chose.....I chose...." Michelangelo was feeling exhausted and dizzier than ever. Everything was so loud but so muffled at the same time  and the world was becoming fuzzy.

"Michelangelo, are you alright." Donatello asked.

Before he could answer. Everything went dark.


"......angelo? Ca.....hear...?"



That was all he could hear around him, he was so weak, all he could do was sleep.

When he woke up, he was in his bed. There was his brothers, Master Splinter and April right beside him. Looking relieved when he opened his eyes.

"What happened?" He asked groggily.

"You fainted Michelangelo. Your blood sugars were to low and your body couldn't cope." Donatello said.

"How long was I out for?" Michelangelo asked.

"You were out for 5 hours. When the guys told me, I came as quick as I could." April said.

"5 hours?" He asked surprised. It felt like an hour and a half for him.

"My son, why didn't you tell us about this?" Master Splinter asked.

"Because I didn't want to ruin today. You guys were so excited and I didn't want to stop all the fun because of my diabetes. I'm sorry I messed up bros." He said looking down.

"Michelangelo you didn't ruin anything" Raphael said.

"I didn't?" He said, looking up.

"No. We would have went home if we knew you were feeling like this. And beside, the theme park is open every day now. We can just go another time." Leonardo chirpped in.

"Leonardo's right Michelangelo. But next time tell us if your not feeling good ok?" Donatello said.

"I promise bros. You guys are the best." He said sitting up slowly. Almost all the pain he was feeling before was gone, he was just tired.

"How about we leave you to sleep my son. You still look very tired." Master Splinter suggested.

"That sounds like a plan. Goodnight everyone." Michelangelo said as he got comfortable in his bed once more.

"Goodnight, Michelangelo. They all said in unison as the switched of the lights and left the room.

Michelangelo was falling into a deep slumber. But before be fell asleep again, he heard this.

"We should definitely take Michelangelo with us to the amusement park all the time so we can skip the queues." Raphael said.

"Agreed." Both Leonardo and Donatello said.

Michelangelo giggled to himself as he turned his head round, and went to sleep.

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