2K12: We got a runner

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Leo has one more job to do: change Mikey's dexcom. But this proves to be a harder challenge than he thought.

Sensei was out for the day gathering groceries. Leaving Leo in charge. Sensei gave each of a task to do. As they were now 9, he thought this will be a good time to teach them about responsibility.

Raph had to clean up the living room, Donnie has to clean the book shelves, Mikey had to clean the room he and his brothers shared and Leo has to do the dishes. But he has one more job that was like a war.

"Change Michelangelo's dexcom- Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael" it wrote.

"Well this is going to be easy." He said sarcastically

Leo got all the stuff prepared for the battle as Donnie and Raph came back from finning their chores.

"What's up Leo?" Donnie asked

Leo gave him a worried look that said it  all.

"It's dexcom changing day isn't it?" Raph asked

"Yup." Leo replied

Mikey has just finished cleaning the room he and his bros shared and was ready to kick back and watch some TV. Little did he know that his bros had a not so nice surprise waiting for him.

Mikey walked out of the room to see his bros standing there with the equipment they need, Raph holding his insulin pen, Donnie holding the box full of disinfectant wipes and Leo holding his new dexcom.

"Oh no. No, no, no, no, no." He said while backing up.

His brothers stepped forward.

"Mikey" Donnie said "We know you don't like this but it has to be done."

"No, no, no, no, no." Mikey said

"It'll just be two minutes then you can go." Leo said trying to calm him down

"No, no, no, no, no." Mikey said stepping back even more.

"Don't make this hard for us Mikey." Raph said while setting his insulin pen up.

"NO, NO ,NO!" Mikey shouted as he ran across into their room.

His brothers immediately went into pursue to find him and went into their room after him.

"Now where did that little rascal run of to." Raph said sounding annoyed.

"I don't know but we have to find him. Dad will be back home soon." Donnie chirpped up.

Just then Leo saw a pair of feet sticking out from the bed.

"Mikey!" Leo shouted as Mikey made a break for it out of the room.

Next, they ended up in the dojo. The three brothers looked everywhere for him but as they were about to give up, they heard something.

CRACK. A branch snapped to reveal Mikey on top of the tree.

"There you are!" Donnie said as Mikey once again made a run for it.

They chased him around for what seemed like hours until Raph had enough.

"That's it!" He shouted as he pinned Mikey to the ground.

"Hey! Get of me! Get of me!"Mikey screamed as he squirmed around to try and get out of Raph's grip.

"It's over now Mikey. You are getting your dexcom on and there is nothing you can do to change it." Leo said as he took Mikey's arm to take the dexcom off but he stopped as he heard something.


Mikey was crying. And not like a 'I'm telling dad' cry. More like a 'I'm really scared' cry. Leo bent over to his side as Raph and Donnie followed.

"Mikey, whats wrong? Why are you crying?" Leo asked

"B-because I'm s-scared." He said through his sobs.

"Why are you scared?" Asked Donnie.

"B-because I h-hate n-needles a-and doing my dexcom hurts a l-lot." He cried

Leo, Donnie and Raph gave each other a look. Sure Mikey didn't like needles but they didn't know it upset him so much. Leo bent down to his side to get to the level he is at.

"Mikey it's OK. We know you don't like it but it has to be done. How about if me Donnie and Raph stayed by your side the whole time." Leo said holding a hand out to the youngest

"Hmm hmm." Mikey sniffed and took his big brother's hand.

Donnie and Raph stayed by Mikey's side as Leo was about to take of the old dexcom.

"Ready, Mikey?" Leo said

"Ready." Mikey answered

"One.....two.....three!" Leo said as he ripped the old dexcom off like a band-aid.

"You OK Mikey?" Donnie asked

"Yea I'm OK. It didn't even hurt." Mikey smiled.

Raph got the disinfectant wipes and wipes the old area where the dexcom was. Then wiped the new area where the dexcom is going to be.

Leo unboxed the new dexcom and peeled of the stickers. Then he placed it on Mikey's arm to make sure it was secure.

"Ready, Mikey?" Leo called out.

"Ummm....yea." Mikey said with a hint of worry in his voice.

"It's OK Mikey." Raph said as he gripped his brothers hand.

"Yea we'll be right here with you." Donnie said as he gripped the other hand.

Mikey looked at Leo, then Raph, then Donnie, and gave Leo the nod to say 'do it'.

"One.....two....three." Leo pressed the button to implant the dexcom into his arm.

Mikey flinched a little but that didn't go unnoticed by his brothers as they squeezed his hands tighter.

Leo implanted the sensor into the dexcom and let Mikey pick his stickers. Of course he picked the pizza one and Leo was more than happy to put that one on for him.

"See, that wasn't so bad was it?" Raph smiled.

"It wasn't. It really wasn't. Thanks Leo. Thanks bros. Your the best." They all shared a warm embrace.

Splinter came home with a nice surprise. The lair wasn't a mess, nothing was broken and Mikey's dexcom was changed. He was very proud of his sons and the had a pizza night to celebrate.

That and Mikey always made Leo do his dexcom since that day. And Leo was happy to do it for him until he learned how to do it himself.

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