2012: Morning routine

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Mikey shows his fans his morning routine as a type 1 diabetic.

Mikey grabbed his t-phone and opened tic tok. He and his brothers were able to convince Master Splinter to let them have social media and Mikey was using this to his full advantage. He set his phone up on the stand Donnie made for him and started recording.

"What up dudes, Mikey here," He introduced.

"Today I'm going to show you the morning routine as a type 1 diabetic."

He went to his draw and grabbed his glucose monitor to check his bloods and heads back to the camera.

"This is my glucose monitor. I use it to check my blood sugars 'cause sometimes I get high throughout the night. That's what I get for having a late night snack." He joked.

He grabbed his needle and pricked his finger, then he grabbed his glucose monitor and check his levels. He showed it to the camera.

"98 mg/dL. That means I'm all in the clear. Sweet. Time for breakfast and I need to make breakfast. Last time my bros tried to make breakfast, Donnie had orange juice in his eyes, Raph has an egg bra, and Leo was banned from using the toaster after that." He said as he grabbed his phone and walked to the kitchen.

"Right. Leo likes his eggs sunny side up, Raph likes his eggs scrambled, Donnie likes his coffee and eggs sunny side up and Sensei likes his boilled eggs and his tea's. Now let's get cooking."

He spent 30 minutes cooking and showing his fans the way he makes his eggs before his bros and Sensei woke up. When he was done, he grabbed his insulin pen and walked to the living room. He sat down and balanced his phone on the TV remote.

"OK here I have my insulin pen that kinda gives me an insulin boost for the day. Cool isn't it?"

He uncovered the tip of the pen to reveal the small needle at the end of it.

"I don't like doing this part 'cause of the needle. So I brought a special guest to help me out. Please give a warm welcome to my big brother, Leonardo."

Leo walked infront of the camera and waved. He then sat down next to Mikey and he gave him the insulin pen.

Leo started to talk. " Hi, Leo here. Mikey never really likes doing his insulin so I'm always here to help. Ready Mikey?"

"Ready." He said as he looked away.

Leo stuck the needle into his thigh with one hand as he held Mikey's hand with the other. Once he was done, he covered the pen back up and put it in Mikey's belt.

"All done Mikey." He said with a smile.

"Thanks Leo." He said while giving him a hug.

"Anytime Mikey. Now I'm going to go check on Donnie. He's probably sleeping in his lab again. Leo said as he stood up.

"OK see you for breakfast."

"See ya." He said as he walked out.

Mikey walked up to grab his phone and walked up to his room. He closed the door and started to talk again.

"Well that's my morning routine for ya. Yes it  can be a hassle sometimes but I don't regret anything about it let alone change it. Because I have my families support with me and I know that I'm never alone."

Mikey was about to go on when he heard Raph shouting from the kitchen.


"COMMING! Ohhhh that's bad. Well I gotta go. Later compadres. Mikey out."

Mikey's Diabetes One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now