TOTTMNT: School blues

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Mikey starts to feel insecure about his insulin pump when a kid makes a comment about it.

It was around a couple of months after the Super Duper Fly takedown. The turtles are ready to start their first day of school.

"Are you boys ready?" Splinter asked.

"Yes, dad." They answered.

"Be good and don't get into trouble." He said.

"When do we ever get into trouble?" Mikey asked.

Splinter gave him a playful look.

"Don't answer that." Mikey grinned.

"We won't. Bye, dad." Leo said as they climbed out of the sewer.

Once they opened the school doors, everyone surrounded them. Giving them high fives and fist bumps. Even doing handshakes. Mikey made his way to his new locker and put his bag inside. A boy walked towards him.

"Dude, what's that." He asked, pointing to his insulin pump. Mikey took it off his pants and showed him.

"It's my insulin pump. Cool, right." He said.

"Why do you need that?"

"Because I'm diabetic."

"Aren't those for like.. old people?"

"No. Young people can have diabetes as well."

"It looks weird, dude. There's always that one sick kid." He said, walking off.

Mikey looked at him with hurt in his eyes. His insulin pump didn't look weird. Did it? He looked at it and hooked it back onto his pants, covering it with his shirt.

For the whole day, he was worried. About his pump, being known as the 'sick kid', what other people would think. It really got to him. It wasn't until he got home that he asked about it.

"Hey guys, do you think that my pump looks weird?" He asked.

"What d'ya mean." Raph asked.

"Well, a kid at school said my pump looks weird. And he called me a sick kid." He said.

"Mikey, your pump looks great. No one should make you feel bad about it." Leo said.

"I guess. But it does look a bit, blah." Mikey said, holding it up.

"I think we can help with that." Donnie said.

The next day, Mikey walked in with a new confidence boost. His insulin pump was covered in stickers, and jems. It had paint all over it, and it looked amazing. Mikey got so many compliments about it when he walked through the door. Mikey looked over and saw the same boy at his locker. Raph saw this and looked at Mikey.

"This the dude you said your pump looks weird?" He asked.


"Don't worry. I'll deal with him." Raph said as he cracked his nuckles and walked over to him.

"So, Mikey. How do you like your pump now?" Donnie asked.

"I love it. Thanks, guys."

"Anytime, bro." Leo said.

Raph came back, holding the dude by his collar.

"I think you owe my brother an apology." He said.

"OK, OK. I-I-I'm sorry that I said that your pump looks weird." He stuttered.

"And." Raph said, pointing the tip of his sai to his throat.

"A-A-And, I think it looks really cool, and please don't let your brother hurt me." He begged.

"Raph, put him down." Mikey said.

"Aww. I never get to have fun." He wined as he placed the dude down.

"I really am sorry." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's OK, man. It's all good. We cool?" He asked, holding out his hand for a fist bump.

The dude looked at his fist and smiled.

"Yea. We cool." He said as they shared a fist bump.

Since then, Mikey has never been ashamed about his insulin pump again. Because he knows that his brothers will be by his side no matter what.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13 ⏰

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