Chapter 3 - 12 December 2010

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"Zayn, what's going to happen to One Direction now?"

"Uhm, we're definitely going to stay together. This isn't the last of One Direction."

I can hear the tv in the background, but I can't even look at it. Everything is just a blur of chaos as I sit down on the floor in what I'm guessing is a puddle of my own tears.

Daniel's dead.

Every single bone in my body is hurting and I'm just staring into the wall. That disgusting, ugly white wall. The wall that Daniel hated was one of the last things he ever saw in life, and I'm not sure I'm ever going to forgive my mum for it. She was the one who refused to see how bad things were and send him home to live out his last few weeks there with us.

I look over at my mum who is sitting on a chair next to Daniel's dead body. She's not crying, she's not holding him, she's just staring at him. I couldn't help feeling that it was her fault that Daniel's last few weeks were miserable for him, and that he would have been so much happier if it wasn't for her horrible decision.

I can hear dad crying outside in the corridor with Anne. I'm glad he has someone who can go through this with him, that he doesn't have to be all alone.

I decide to go out and get some fresh air. Just as I close the door behind me, I hear my mum cry.

As soon as I step outside, the cold air hits me. I shiver. It's December, and it's even colder in London than it usually is this time of the year. Daniel loved winter, especially when it snowed. I could feel my phone vibrating so I pick it up and find a new text from my best friend.

Alice: I'm so, so, so sorry. I love you so much, just give me a call when you want to talk. Or text. Or come over. Or send a telegram. Or an owl. I love you. ♥♥♥

I scroll up to see what she had responded to, I was so lost I couldn't even remember how I had told her even if it was just an hour ago.

Me: He's gone.

At the shock of seeing it again in print, I scream out loud and throw my phone to the ground and jump on it repeatedly. I continue running around and kicking it against the pavement until there's nothing left of it other than some pieces of plastic, glass and wires. I sit down on the edge of the pavement and bury my face in my hands, crying so much that I almost can't breath.

I can't believe I have lost my other half.

I start breathing like I've seen people do on TV in yoga classes and after a few minutes I calm down somewhat. I pick up what's left of my broken phone and start heading back.

As soon as I've entered Daniel's room, I see my mother on the floor. She has completely lost it. My dad is standing next to Daniel, holding his hand as Anne hugs him from behind. It's a horrible scene.

A few moments later, three nurses come inside the room and places Daniel on one of those steel beds they use for dead people. In that moment, my hysteric sobbing returns aswell.

He's gone. He's really gone.

As the nurses wheel him out of the room, I turn my head. I can't look at him anymore, not like this. I stare through the window instead, hoping to see something that could make me think of something else. Anything at all.

Just as if someone flicked a wand, it started to snow.


Hi! This is a short one that needed to be written. It was hard and I'm so sorry if I have offended anyone. This story will now take a whole new turn. Thinking of all of you who have experienced some kind of illness within your family!


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