Chapter 22: ADHD

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( for this chapter if I ever write in this font then it's Alessia's pov just to make it easier for me and look less scruffy)

"Less what are you doing here" I asked opening the door

"Did you forget? You asked if I wanted to come over tonight" Alessia laughed slightly

"Oh yeah! Come in" I said pushing the door open more

"I was about to make dinner actually" I said to her as we walked into the kitchen

"What you making?"

"Fresh pasta" I pointed at the pasta dough on the counter top

"Ooo can I help?" Alessia asked getting excited

I nodded and gave her some of the pasta dough

"Where you going" Alessia asked as I moved away from the counter top

"I forgot to put a wash in" I said walking out of the kitchen and upstairs to my room

"Done it" less asked sweetly, never getting annoyed at me

I nodded kissing her on the cheek before moving back to my pasta dough

I successfully made three before walking over to the fridge

"What was I in here for" I mumbled to myself

Not being able to remember I walked back over to where less had taken over, since I was making little to no progress with the pasta dough

Remembering what I wanted from the fridge, I walked back over to it and grabbed the bottle of pesto

I grabbed a spoon and unscrewed the lid

"Woah woah woah, what you doing with that" less asked putting her hand over my hand that was wrapped around the pesto

"Putting it on my pasta" I said confused as to why she stopped me

"You can't put it on now, you don't even like pesto harls" Alessia laughed slightly taking the pesto out of my hands and kissing my cheek

"What if I like it now" I said sitting on top of the counter watching her finish making the pasta shapes

"How about once it's made we put a little bit on and see if you like" she suggested looking up at me

I nodded moving my hand to fiddle with the cupboard door, pushing it left and right

"Don't do that, you might break the hinges" less said softly moving to close it fully

"I'm off for a shower" I said abruptly, pushing myself of the countertop

"But dinners nearly ready" Alessia said grabbing my hand to stop me walking out of the kitchen

"I'll be quick, I promise" I kissed her before walking out of the kitchen

Running up to my bathroom and turning on the shower before making my way to my bedroom to pick out some clothes

Opening one of the draws I decided to rearrange it

"Harls" Alessia called from the bottom of the stairs

"Are you in the shower" she asked nicely

"No why would I be?" I asked

Alessia walked up the stairs and peered into my bedroom, finding me rearranging one of my draws

She walked into the bathroom and turned off the shower

"What happened to having a shower harls" less said standing behind me

I stood up "oh yeah! I was going for a shower wasn't I. I just opened this draw and thought it looked messy" I shrugged grabbing some clothes and going into the bathroom, turning on the shower and waiting patiently for it to heat up

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