Chapter 10 - Ink

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TW – Rope

"Are you okay?" I ask Wither. "Yeah...I'm fine" I can tell Wither isn't fine due to the obvious tears in their eyes. "Wither...I see the tears, what's wrong..?" I sit beside Wither, "Oh...I just feel like a burden and that I'm a failure...I'm never good enough."I hug Wither "It's going to be okay, you have me and X" Hearing their speech triggered a trauma response, I manage to head home after comforting Wither, I head to my room, I lie on my bed, trying to stop the trauma from getting to me, it's of my mom and dad yelling at me and hitting me. I pull the chair from my desk to under the ceiling fan, I grab the jump rope from the closet. I text X [Im sorry. Please help.] I then stand on the chair with the jump rope in my hand, I tie it into a noose and am about to attach it to the ceiling fan when all of a sudden my door gets swung down by X. "Ink?!" he says, then his face turns pale when he sees me trying to hang myself. "I'm sorry..." I say "Ink...don't do this... please" he replies before grabbing me and hugging me and untying the noose from my neck, I then see him cry like never before, and then I realize, he actually cares about me. "I'm sorry...I just...had another relapse..." I then cry in his arms, I don't deserve him, he's too sweet. X then said "Hey, at least you messaged me, now, I'm here and I'll treat you to what you want, okay?" I reply "Can...can we just lay together...?" He then lays me on the bed, not letting him leave my side again, I'm grateful I have someone like him, but I don't deserve him. X then decides to play with my hair, he says to reassure me "Everything will be okay, I'm here" but by the time he says that I'm starting to fall asleep in his arms, it's a wholesome scene. 

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