Chapter 32 - Nova

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X wraps a roll of bandages around my arm as it is crimson red with blood slowly oozing out of the cuts. "I didn't want them to find out..." I think to myself as X wraps the roll around my arm while still keeping his distance. After he finishes wrapping my arm up, I run to him and hug him tightly. I try my hardest not to cry but I can't help it. X keeps hugging me back as I sob in his arms. Ink eventually reaches the bathroom door and gasps in surprises before hugging me and X in a group hug. "I...I-I'm sorry....I..I was s-stressed a-and-" I manage to muster out before Ink shushes me and says "It's okay...we all got affected by their death. You're safe now." X says "I was always told a tale, that when someone passes away, they stay by someone who had the most impact in their life, and the person would be able to recognize it." Ink has a look of realization before brushing it off. We stay in the group hug for what seems like hours before X gets up and brings me to lay back down on the bed. As I fall asleep I hear "Nova? Nova!" in a familiar tone. I soon realize I'm in a plain, empty field that stretches out for miles. I hear the voice call for me. "Nova!?" but I don't recognize it until Wither runs up and hugs me. Wither looks more transparent, almost like the tale X told me. "Nova! I'm so glad to see you!" I'm now able to recognize the voice as Wither's. I hug them back as I sob immensely into them. 

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