Chapter 28 - Ink

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The cat sits beside X on the couch, the cat seems tiny compared to X. I let out a small chuckle as the kitten climbs onto X's lap. X has to help the cat up, so it doesn't fall back down on the couch. "Aww, so cute, I'll name you Shadow" X says, it fits the kitten as it's a full black kitten, it trusts me and X a lot to the point of falling asleep in X's lap. There is some knocking on the door, I tell X to stay with Shadow as I walk to the door, I open it to find a guy who looks younger than Wither, with black hair fading into a dark purple, he asks me "Does Ink or X live here?" In a panicked tone. I ask him "Who's asking?" He replies with "You don't know me, but I'm Wither's roommate, now answer my question." I take a sigh before saying "This is Ink, what do you need?" I wait until he sighs and then says "They found Wither dead..." He looks down at the floor and my eyes start to well up in tears, even though I didn't know Wither for too long, it still hurt knowing they were gone. I may not know how close Wither was to their roommate, but nevertheless I hug him. They hug back after a short bit and start sobbing into me. "T-They...m-meant everything t-to me..." He cries into me; I pat his back and keep hugging him to comfort him. They manage to say again through all the tears "I...I was going t-to...confess to t-them.... I...I loved them..." 

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