Chapter 36 - X

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I hear some news channel being played; I can't make anything of it out until I hear the word 'Assassin' "Ink. Turn that up please" I tell him before he does. "We are now investigating the forest that the supposed 'Invisible Assassin' is in. We will be conducting research. See you back on channel 1 at 5pm." The news reported says. "Ink. What forest are they talking about." I ask him, a bit of fear evident in my voice. "The other one. The other side of Xela. You're safe, don't worry" Ink says. I manage to breathe a sigh of relief as I head off to my room, I am only headed there to sharpen some blades because some of my daggers and swords are dulling. I enter my room and open my closet. It had daggers, swords, guns, etc. I get my swords and daggers and start sharpening them. It feels nice to remember how they'll be of use eventually. Once I finish, I put them back in the closet. On every hilt of the weapons is the engraving [T.I.A] It's short for 'The Invisible Assassin' which is what I'm known as when people refer to the assassin I am. I head back in the living room to see Nova and Ink watching the tv. I remember what the reporter said and I check the time. "It's 5pm." I mutter under my breath as the channel suddenly changes to the news, as if it changed for a national alert. "Maybe they mistook me for another assassin? I hope so" I think to myself as I watch. It's spewing on about clues that have no connection to me or my current location, eventually they enter the forest to find nothing. No clue, no one, nothing. Just a forest, trees everywhere. The news reporter looks confused before they say "Huh...turns out they haven't been here, either they have and left no clue or they haven't been here." The channel then shuts off as I can assume they're making an investigation on the forest. My mind goes even more at ease when they don't find anything of mine. "Well, I don't know why I was paranoid. That isn't like me, plus I haven't even been in that area." I think to myself as I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding in. Ink manages to hear the sigh of relief but doesn't say anything about it. I head back to my room to lay down, its more like a workshop than a room but its also a bedroom with its own bed and closet that I use to store my weapons. I lie on my bed, relief flowing through me as I remember how I'm safe for another day. "Just do it for Ink. Do it for him. Please. Just do it for Ink. Stay safe for Ink. I don't want to be gone so soon for him. He looks up to me. Just...stay safe, that's what I need to do. I need to do it for Ink." I overthink as I only realize after the overthinking that I'm shaking. 

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