Chapter 17 - X

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I turn around because I feel someone bumping into my back, I turn around and see "Wither? What are you doing here?"I ask. "I could ask you the same!" They say defensively. "Fair point" I reply, "But I got kidnapped and taken here" I say to Wither, Wither replies with "I got taken too! Why can't I-" Wither is then interrupted by my phone ringing, I check it and it's Ink. I immediately pick up "INK! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I say panicked for him. "Help..." he says quietly like he's scared. "If you can't speak for long, just hang up, I will find you, I promise" I tell him, and then he hangs up. "Wither. Let's go save Ink." I say to them. I manage to track the location of the call, that's good, although Ink is hard to contact now. "Got the location" I tell Wither. "That's good" they tell me. "I hope nothing bad happens to Ink before we get there" I think to myself. I've already failed protecting him before, I can't make that mistake again. 

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