Chapter 37 - Ink

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I look over from the tv, I was watching it because I was worried about X's safety, even if it was on the other side of the city. I relax further into the couch but then in my peripheral view I notice X. "Huh. He was watching it as well...Oh well. It's okay for him to watch, he can be worried about himself. Wait...something's wrong." I think to myself as I look over and see him trembling, like he's deep in thought. "The almost stoic person, X, shaking like he's in a winter blizzard. What's going on." I think as I approach him and hug him. He probably has the most burdens to carry out of all of us. Dealing with killing my parents, worrying about my physical safety, worrying about my mental safety, worrying about keeping his identity hidden, worrying about staying undercover. The list goes on. I want to hug him; I want to say something to him. But I can't. My legs wont move, my arms don't move, the words don't come out of my mouth, almost like I'm not in control. "Oh...he's going to think I'm being ignorant...I...I want to comfort him...but I can't..." I think to myself as I just sit there on the couch feeling like shit. I want to do stuff, but my body won't let me, almost like I don't have control over my body, and it hurts, feeling like a bitch to my brother, I don't want it to be like this. I manage to stand up but it feels like glass shards are scraping against my entire body whenever I move, but nonetheless I keep going, enduring the pain, I think to myself "I don't care what the hell I have to go through, I will be there for X" as the pain of the glass shards scraping against my body feel like knives and daggers. Eventually I hug X and fall in his arms from enduring all the pain. It apparently is evident how much pain I'm in as X holds me tightly. Eventually my vision goes black. I'm not asleep but not awake, I feel weak, like I can't do anything. Eventually I drift off in X's arms. I open my eyes and see I'm back in the vast, open, empty field. "Not here again...why am I here...?" I think to myself. No one else is here, it's just me. I start to walk but then I wake up, I get up and all the pain is gone as X keeps holding me. "Ow....what...what happened...?" I ask X, my voice is shaky and fragile, but I don't know why. I look up at X and notice he's not shaking anymore, but he's concerned. "You passed out, again." X replies. "Was everything okay? The way you were walking towards me seemed odd" X states. I tell him "Oh. For some reason it felt as if there was something sharp scraping over my entire body. It was really weird." I think "I find it hard to lie to him, he's basically my brother, my protector." He then looks confused before shaking it off. I don't know why but everything is really weird. Almost...not seems. All the stuff happening to me this day. I wave my hand by my face because I felt dust land in my eyes, I go to wipe it when I bump something on my face. But the problem? There's nothing on my face currently. 

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