Chapter 27 - Wither

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"OPEN UP!!" We hear at the door, weirded out, I go to open the door to find two men in suits staring us down with a thousand-yard stare. They have weapons around their waist so they're obvious threats to us, they ignore Nova and only focus on me. The first guy just says "Follow us." in a stern and quick tone, I look back to Nova and say "I'll be back, okay?" Before I follow the men, they lead me to a graveyard where one of them kneels before a tombstone and places a rose on the dirt in front of the tomb. I read it, and it says [Rest in Peace, Todd – 19XX – 20XX] I start to tear up as I say "I-I'm sorry...I failed you...boss..." I wipe my tears away as I walk back home. I act like I haven't cried as I walk back in my house, the men in suits aren't following me and Nova asks "Is everything alright?" I tell them "Everything's fine, don't worry about it" before sitting beside them, laying down and then laying my head on their lap, staring at the ceiling. They play with my hair as I hug them, they kiss me on the forehead to help me relax. Eventually I fall asleep not knowing that I did until I wake up. I still think I'm laying by Nova but I realize that I'm in his office, Todd's office, there's a man standing in-front of me as I stand up. He says "there is a reason for why we have brought you here. You are Todd's only child who we were able to find, so you are getting his position of the Mafia." I don't seem fazed as I reply, "I understand the risks of the role, so I accept." As I receive a badge with my new role. As soon as I sit down on the chair at the desk, the man stands behind me, until I feel something at the back of my head, and then I hear a BANG!

(Hello, the creator again, so Witherva or Nother [the ship names of Wither and Nova] was canon, because my irl friends were going crazy about it, so yeah, i've also been foreshadowing this irl by saying "It's called The Adventures of Ink and X for a reason." Yes I killed off Wither, go cry about it) 

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