Chapter 8

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It has been a long time since I updated...

Apologies for such a loooooooooooooooong delay!

Well then let's get on with it.


And that question, made her start counting the reasons she could find for him to hate her enough to want to kill her...

And to her surprise, she found as many reasons as she had to hate him.

Marinette had never met Adrien before they got engaged. They did get engaged under the emperor's order at the age of 10 but she never met him during that time as well.

Her parents had explained her about this arrangement as much as they could to their 10-year-old spoiled child... which did not end well.

Adrien wasn't allowed to make public appearances at that time as the Empress used to be very ill at that time. He was always locked up inside the castle and only a few trustworthy people were allowed to be around him but those people did not include the Duke's family.

All Marinette could understand from this arrangement was that she had to spend the rest of her life with a boy just like her parents.

She was told that Adrien was of the same age as hers but all the boys she had met of her age were either cry babies or ugly, the general description of the young boys.

And that scared little Marinette because she thought she would have to spend the rest of her life with an ugly duckling and that led to Marinette throwing tantrums which was nothing new, just on a bit more level.

But soon the little Marinette forgot all about this arrangement and returned to her peaceful life of being bratty and spoiled but it came biting back when she turned 12, when she was told that it was finally time for her to meet her fiance.

And when Marinette was yet again reminded that she was engaged to someone, she refused to meet him.

Her parents who made her every wish come true were especially heartbroken when they had to force her to meet him on her very clear opposition to it.

She still remembers the chills she got when she met the emperor for the first time in private with her parents before she met Adrien.

He was tall, cold, pale, stoic, and mainly expressionless but when he had smiled on seeing her, she understood what evil smiles meant. He was aware of her dissatisfaction towards this engagement between her and his son but he also knew her obsession and weakness towards beautiful things.

He proposed to her that she should at least meet his son first and then decide whether she likes him or not. The way he had proposed that it was obvious he was very much confident that she would like Adrien.

And he was right.

When Marinette for the first time entered Adrien's room to meet him, she couldn't take her eyes off of him.

She saw a boy standing some steps away from her. He had blond hair that shone with the same brilliance as the sun combed neatly to a side, emerald green eyes that were more beautiful than any gem that she had seen, soft light pink lips, and rosiness on his puffy cheeks, nose, and tip of his ears made him look cute and reminded her of her garden's pink roses.

He was absolutely beautiful and adorable, unlike any boy she had seen.

And little Marinette was obsessed with beautiful things.

She watched him rub his hands nervously when she had entered, took his time to stare at her with the same nervousness before giving her a little gentlemanly bow and saying "I-It is my p-pleasure to meet you, my lady. I am your f-fiance, Adrien Émilie Gabriel D-Donatien Athanase Agreste"

Even his voice was soft and cute.

Marinette tilted her head and stared at the boy who was a bit taller than her. He raised his gaze to look at her in the eyes but on finding her staring right at him, he instantly turned his gaze away and blushed.

Little Marinette found it quite exciting. She walked up to him and stood just a few inches away from him which made him go rigid.

She grinned and said to him "The only reason that I am allowing you to be my fiance is because you are pretty..."

That was the first thing she had ever said to him and now she realizes how shallow she would have sounded to that little boy at that time.

After that Marinette continued to order around Adrien whenever they met, who ever so reluctantly at first did everything she said no matter how wrong it was, treating him as if he weren't her fiance or future husband or the crown prince of the empire, or a person, just a beautiful object she liked to play around with. Guessing now, he must have been ordered by the Emperor to keep her interest peeked in him.

When they turned 14, Adrien was finally introduced to the aristocratic world during the Empress's birthday banquet as it was announced that the Empress was now healthy and is not suffering from any illness. 

Each and every person was mesmerized by Adrien's beauty. 12-year-old Adrien might have been a shy boy who fumbled with his words when nervous but the 14-year-old was such a smooth talker and no one could tell that that boy had been forever isolated from the world up until now.

14 was the age when young boys and girls started getting attracted to each other and it was a known fact in the entire empire that no young girl could ever not be attracted to Adrien and bat an eye when he was around after that banquet. Many young girls and sickeningly even adult ladies were wooed by his beauty and words.

Adrien's reluctance towards doing what Marinette told him to do turned into action after that very banquet and he stopped listening and doing half of the things she told him to do no matter how much she screamed at him. He even started creating distance between them which was the main reason for Marinette's rage on him.

She was afraid that now that her pretty boy was out in the world, she wasn't his whole world anymore. Delusional Marinette thought that as well, that she was his whole world because he used to do everything she said.

She wanted his attention back on her and only her. She hated the fact that everyone was looking and admiring the pretty boy who was once only hers to admire, she hated that he was giving attention to everyone which used to be only on her, he was listening and talking to everyone except for her. She will do anything to get that boy back and that led her to walk into the lion's den.

She directly went to the Emperor who was feared by everyone that too unannounced in his court room and shared her dissatisfaction with him about Adrien, confessing her all troubles.

Gabriel had at first smirked on listening to the problem that she had brought to him but then said something that caught her completely off guard.

"It seems that you have fallen in love with my son"

On listening to that, Marinette's mind completely went blank, and just stared at Gabriel. 

"I have... what?" She whispered.


To be continued in the next chapter which will be updated this Sunday

I had found time to write 2 chapters, just need to edit and write next one a bit more

Thank you for reading.

I hope you have a great day!

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