Chapter 16

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I apologize in advance!

You will know why when that part comes, just wanna let you know that it was important for the plot.

Anyways, let's continue...


Adrien was informed by the guards that Marinette had arrived before she entered his bedroom.

She found him standing in the middle of the room while servants seemed to do last touch-ups to his outfit as he was getting ready, his complete attention on her as she entered.

He commanded all the servants to leave, making them the only people in the room.

He walked up to her, his gold embroidered boots thudding on the ground which matched perfectly to his shiny black suit with gold designs. A red cape with a fur border pinned over his shoulders to his suit and the crown for the crown prince sitting on his head embedded with diamonds and gems making her think which was more brilliant, his hair or the crown.

And Marinette was again reminded that other than being the Villain in her story and her being in his, he was the real embodiment of the Crown Prince.

He greeted her with his usual greeting but this time took her both hands in his, kissing the back of them and his eyes taking her in "It should be illegal to look this ethereal"

"Greetings to the next Sun of the Empire and also, thank you for your compliment" Marinette calmly said to him.

Adrien tilted his face and looked at her in amusement "No snarky comment today or pulling away"

Marinette let her hands fall back on her sides when Adrien let go of them "I thought it was your birthday so I would save you from that despair"

She watched as Adrien grinned from ear to ear making her wish she never decided that.

A servant knocked at the door, informing him it was time for them to head to the birthday banquet. 

It is customary for the royal family to enter their birthday banquet with their spouse or fiancee. So Marinette at Adrien's every birthday has accompanied him while he makes his grand entrance as the star of the night.

Adrien gestured for Marinette to hook her hand with his and despite her reluctance, she did as they walked toward the banquet.

They stood behind the closed doors of the banquet as the announcer was getting informed they were entering. 

Marinette raised an eyebrow as she saw Adrien being very happy with her "You are enjoying this too much, aren't you, Your Highness?"

"Oh, I am. I have a whole night to myself without worrying about what will make you run away from me or make you angry to spout harsh words" Adrien said gleefully.

"Well, it is my birthday gift to you to save your reputation today so you might as well enjoy it, Your Highness" Marinette said.

"Your gift would be better if you called me by my name again at least for today" Adrien suggested.

Why does he want her to call him by his name again?

He had been bugging her with this nonsense after she started calling him Your Highness.

"I understand that you are the birthday boy but you are pushing your luck too far" Marinette retorted.

"I thought you won't be snarky today" Adrien said as they watched the banquet hall's door opening.

"I was just sharing my thoughts" Marinette said to which Adrien replied "You always are in the cruelest ways to me"

"Entering! The next sun and hope of the Empire, the Crown Prince, Adrien Emilie Gabriel Donatien Athanese Agreste, and the next mother and honor of the empire, Marinette Roselyn Dupain" the announcer announced loudly.

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