Chapter 5

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She tore the letter to shreds and went on a rampage by throwing around things, anything that she could find in sight, just like each time his letter came in.

But these temper tantrums were nothing compared to what she did when she met him again in this life.

She still remembers his each and every reaction clearly as a day.

He started walking towards her, saying something but suddenly the world around her was inaudible.

As he drew closer and closer, her mind screamed at her to run or hide. She just couldn't move.

And now he stood right in front of her, taking ahold of her hand which was on her side.

But as soon as her skin touched him, it was like an instinct, a repulse that she jerked her hand away and let out a blood-curling scream that she didn't even realize she was holding back.

And now everyone stared at her in utter disbelief but she did not care.

She wanted him gone. She doesn't want to look at him, doesn't want to think of him, doesn't want to do anything with him anymore.

Because now looking at him, all she could see was the man who she loved so much that she could give him her life.

And she did.

He took it.

He took her life.

He was the one who tortured her and killed her for something she didn't even do.

The Crown Prince, Adrien Agreste.

Adrien who never loses his demeanor was shocked beyond measure when she suddenly moved her hand away from him and screamed as if someone had died.

"My...lady?" Adrien muttered, looking like he was unsure of what happened.

But as soon as he had called her again, she ran.

She ran as if her life depended on it which for her did.

She entered her room, pushing the doors to be closed with her shaking hands. She wasn't sure if only her hands were shaking. She heaved and wheezed in attempts to breath but wasn't able to as a panic started settling inside her, making her feel excruciating pain in her chest.

She took hold of her dressing table to keep her balance and not fall because of her legs that could give out any minute.

"Marinette!" Her father was the first one who came running in her room, followed by her mother and Nanny.

"What's wrong my dear? What happened? Why did you scream like that?" Her father asked her concerned.

Her mother with the same emotions asked her "is something hurting you sweetie? Shall we call the doctor again?"

Yes, she is hurting again.

"Who invited him?" She asked in a whisper.

"What?" her father asked as nobody could hear her.

The feeling of anger suddenly started to seep inside her, taking over the feeling of panic which made her take a vase in her hand and while throwing it she shouted "Who invited him?!"

A loud sound of the vase breaking filled the room which startled everyone in it.

She felt hot tears running down her face as her eyes turned red because of the strong emotions she was feeling. She was angry and yet scared.

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