First Night

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Ben and Miranda were sleeping peacefully in bed. Well that was until the cries from their daughter erupted from the baby monitor waking them up.

"I got it" Ben groaned

"I got it" Miranda groaned
They both however neglected to get up from their bed. And yet their daughter continued to cry.

"The parenting books said let them cry it out" Ben pulled the blankets up

"You're going to let a book tell you how to raise our child" Miranda pulled the blankets down but didn't get up

"Wow okay when you put it that way" Ben turned in bed

"It's her first night home" Miranda sighed "our first night as new parents. And we're going to let her cry"

"I'm getting up" Ben snuggled into his pillow

"How about we both get up"

"No we should do shifts so we're not both exhausted" He sighed
While Ben and Miranda were still deciding to actually get up Tuck couldn't take the cries of his little sister anymore so he walked into her room

"Dani" He peered into her crib
She was all red in the face from crying. He picked her up and rocked with her but she just kept hollering. He wondered why his mom wasn't in here. He figured the first night home with a newborn was difficult for them. But he knew they heard her crying.

"Shh Dani" He rocked her and looked for her pacifier. He wondered if he should go in his parent's room and just lay the baby between them. He paced the room. His little sister settled slightly in his arms. Her wails had turned into whimpers. His mom knew cries. He assumed that since she didn't get up this cry didn't mean anything. Or maybe his mom was rusty. It has been a long while since she had to take care of a baby. Dani wasn't planned Tuck figured that much. Maybe both of them are out of their element.

"Maybe you're hungry" He looked at his sister "or wet" he bounced her "maybe you want mom"
He took a deep breath and attempted his mom's lullaby song. Dani stopped crying and settled in his arms.

"Oh hey that works" He stopped singing and smiled but she began to stir again and he started singing again. She soon settled again. He sat in the rocking chair and sang the lullaby while holding her pacifier in her mouth. Finally, Miranda emerged into the nursery. She smiled seeing Tuck holding Dani.

"Hey Tuck" She whispered

"She was just crying and crying"

"I know, Ben and I just couldn't get up" She laughed and shook her head

"You've not had to do this in awhile"'He chuckled

"I remember when we brought you home and your first night" She smiled "I was tempted to just sleep in the crib with you"

"You know a few of the doctors around there started calling me bomb baby" Tuck laughed

"God and your father was on the operating table" Miranda shook her head "but when we brought you home we both just stared at you for hours. Wondering how did we get such a perfect little boy"

"I did that with her" He looked at his little sister "I mean she looks just like you but she also looks so much like Ben. She's ours. Like really ours. She's not just a baby my mom is having anymore. She's here in my arms"

"Honestly being a new mom again terrified me. Everything was so different when you were born but I raised you pretty well"

"Yeah, there's no more after her right" Tuck joked

"Oh please. Of course she's it" Miranda laughed "hand me her so you can go back to sleep"
As soon as Tuck handed his sister over she began to cry again.

"Okay you need a fresh diaper" Miranda kissed her cheek

"Do you really know the differences in cries" Tuck asked

"Well each baby is different. I learned your cries pretty quickly however I'm still learning Dani's" She laid her daughter down "she has a change her cry, a feed her cry, and she wants Ben cry"

"She specifically has a cry for Ben" Tuck laughed

"And I'm sure she has a mommy cry and Tuck cry" She changed her diaper and laid her in her crib

"So what was the cry when I walked in here" He asked

"Maybe that was her Tuck cry. Since you calmed her down"

"Is that an easy way to make me get up with the baby when you and Ben don't feel like it" Tuck looked at his mom. She gave him the innocent Bailey look and walked out of the nursery
He laughed and shook his head. He slowly closed the door and went back to his room. He felt as soon as he got in bed he heard his sister crying again. This time he heard Ben shushing her as he walked out of his room.

That must be her Ben cry. He thought to himself. However his sister continued to cry. Then he heard his mother in the hallway

"Okay she's hungry" His mother yawned

"We need a feeding schedule" Ben sleepily said
Tuck laid in bed listening to his sister cry some more while Ben and his mother talked. He heard their voices trail back in their room and eventually his sister's cries stopped. He finally managed to close his eyes and catch some sleep.

However it wasn't too long before Dani woke everyone up again. He heard his mother in the hall again. This was going to be a long night. However they were still so happy to have Dani. Even if it meant not getting any sleep.

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