Want What You Have

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Ben, Miranda, Tuck, Joey, and Pru were out for a family outing at the park. The boys were playing football, Miranda was pushing Pru on the swings, and Ben was sitting on a picnic blanket admiring his family. He loved family moments like this. The sounds of his boys laughing while they were playing mixed with the sounds of Pru and Miranda laughing as Pru held higher, higher on the swings were music to his ears. He got up and walked over to Pru and Miranda.

"Ben I touch the sky" Pru laughed

"I saw that" He smiled

"This is amazing" Miranda smiled looking at the boys and then at Pru "Fatherhood is a good look on you Benjamin Warren"

"Down at the station they call me Dad" He laughed "At first I thought about it as an age thing but yeah you're right I am an excellent father and those knuckleheads often need a dad"

"You're the perfect man for the job" She kissed her husband on the cheek. As they pushed Pru on the swing she heard some commotion come from where Joey and Tuck were throwing their football. It appeared that their ball had hit someone. They walked over to their boys.

"What happened" Ben asked

"I threw a pass a bit too high and it went over those trees and hit someone" Tuck pointed "Joey went to get the ball but sounds like they're arguing"

"Stay with Pru" Ben and Miranda ran to find Joey. As they got to where their adopted son was standing arguing they sighed when they saw who it was

"Tucker Jones" Miranda crossed her arms

"Miranda, this guy won't give me my ball back. He keeps lecturing me that my parents should've told me to be more careful" Joey rolled his eyes  "I told him I would call my parents over here then"

"Your parents" Tucker looked at Ben and Miranda

"Yes, that's our son Joey and please return the ball Tucker" Miranda sighed
Tucker was about to question her when he saw his son running over holding a little girl that was crying.

"Mom" Tuck ran over with Pru. Tucker wondered who this kid was. All the conversations he had with his ex were about Tuck. He wasn't aware of what happened in Miranda's life outside of things about Tuck.

"Tuck hey man" Tucker smiled seeing his son but Tuck didn't respond. He was too caught up with Pru. This caused Tucker to slightly frown. His own son was ignoring him.

"Why is she crying" Ben asked taking Pru from Tuck

"A kid in the sandbox knocked down her sandcastle and pushed her" Tuck explained

"I'll handle it" Ben was about to run off but his wife stopped him. "Handle the Tucker and Joey thing. I'll handle sandbox kid" She patted his chest and he nodded.

"Babygirl come on" Miranda took Pru and walked back over to the sandbox leaving the guys standing there

"Uhh Tucker you mind giving my son his ball, Your boy sent it sailing over the trees" Ben cleared his throat

"Tuck threw this ball" Tucker laughed "Nice arm kid"

"Thanks" Tuck laughed

"Oh you're Tuck's dad Tucker" Joey nodded "Cool, now would you give me my ball, man"

"Here you go" Tucker tossed the ball and Joey caught it "But as I was saying you boys should be more careful"

"What are you doing out here" Tuck asked

"Just getting some fresh air, how about you guys, family outing" He chuckled

"Yeah, Mom took a vacation day and we decided to head out to the park" Tuck smiled

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