Don't Tell Mom

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Ben drove to the jail. He was fuming as he gripped the steering wheel. He had slipped out of bed and did his best not to disturb his wife. He got a frantic call from Joey saying something about the bar, feminism, and a fight. His sons are in jail. He just couldn't believe it. He arrived at the jail and sighed before walking in. What have they gotten themselves into? Getting into bar fights wasn't like his sons. They weren't violent. Or at least he didn't think they were. 

"Captain Warren" An officer greeted him 

"Can you show me to my boys" Ben sighed 

"Right, this way" He nodded. They walked back to the holding cells and Tuck and Joey were leaning against the bars

"What happened" Ben shook his head 

"We can explain" Tuck scrambled over to him 

"Where's your captain" Ben turned to the officer

"I thought I recognized these young men" The captain walked in and shook Ben's hand 

"Thanks for calling, they're normally well-mannered and under control" 

"They gave me their side of the story and I'm deciding to let them go with a warning. Consider it a favor from SPD" He smiled and opened the cell 

"Thanks, this one graduates college this weekend. Got a party tomorrow evening" Ben hit Tuck in the back of the head 

"Ouch" He rubbed his head 

"And this one should be studying right now" He hit Joey in the back of the head

"Ouch" He rubbed his head 

"Let's go" He led them out to the car

"My sons gotta get picked up from jail. My grown ass sons" Ben shook his head "I raised you, I fed you, I clothed you, I paid for college, I'm paying for med school. We helped you guys get an apartment. And you two go and get arrested" 

"We didn't get arrested" Tuck sighed 

"Did I ask you to speak" Ben  yelled "No, so don't say a damn word, Tuck" 

"Dad I'm not a kid anymore you don't scare me" 

"William George, do not give me that I'm not a kid any more bull because we both know that if I go home right now and tell your mother, you'd be pale in the face and shaking in your seat" 

"Maybe just shut up huh" Joey nudged him "He did just get us out of jail" 

The ride was quiet for a while but Ben obviously had more to say. He kept straightening his shoulders and rubbing his face. He just wanted to know what the hell they were thinking. If they were even thinking at all? He wanted to respect the fact that his sons were grown but he was livid. He had to get out of his bed and come get them from jail as if he didn't have work in the morning. He just made captain at the firehouse. Now on his first day, he'll be tired because he had to get his sons out of jail. He promised Miranda after his shift he would help set up for the party. He thought about how he was going to be exhausted.  He cleared his throat so he wouldn't sound so angry. "It's my understanding you were in a fight" Ben shook his head "What was it over" 

"This dude was disrespecting this woman. I had to step in" Tuck sighed 

"And when Tuck stepped in, I stepped in. Wasn't going to let my brother fight alone" 

"So you stepped in to tell the dude to back off and then what" Ben asked 

"He didn't want to listen. He grabbed her arm and I pushed him, then he swung on me and shit was on and popping" Tuck punched the air 

"LANGUAGE, you may be grown but I'm still your dad. Show some respect" Ben warned him. 

"Sorry, but yeah I couldn't sit back while he had his hands on a woman" 

"And again I wasn't going to let my brother fight alone. So when that dude's boys started closing in, I had to step in" 

"So this fight happened because a dude in the bar was harassing a woman " Ben asked 

"Yes, that's how it happened. I couldn't sit there and do nothing. You and Mom raised me better than that" Tuck nodded 

"Mama Miranda would've let that man have it too" Joey nodded "And you Pops you wouldn't just sit around either" 

"Well I would've thought about the consequences" 

"You would've reacted. It's what you do" Tuck interjected "You stand for what's right and that's what we did in there" 

"You're the hero. Well today we were" Joey smiled with pride 

"And how will you explain this to your mother" He asked 

"We gotta tell her" Tuck asked 

"Like actually" Joey asked 

"I am not keeping this from her. oh no" He shook his head 

"What about the candy bar, and pulling the fire alarm? Does she know about that" Tuck asked  

"Does she know about how that time we said we were going on a ride along we actually went to a Seahawks game" Joey asked 

"Okay, there are things she doesn't know about" 

"She's Bailey. She knows everything" Tuck chuckled "She's just waiting to spring it on us" 

"Well then, She'll be waiting for us at the door then" Ben shrugged 

"Ben, you are a feminist" 

"I am" He nodded 

"You telling me you wouldn't punch a guy in the name of feminism" 

"And risk my freedom and job" 

"Dad" Tuck sighed "what happened to do the right thing no matter what"

"Defending her was the right thing. You got in a fight because he punched you" Ben interjected 

"He didn't even connect" Tuck shook his head "I'm too quick. But I wasn't about to let him try again" 

"At that point, it wasn't about the woman anymore. It was about not letting him show you up in the bar and why were you two at the bar anyway" He asked 

"We were celebrating" Joey explained "My bro is graduating" 

"And we just wanted to drink a beer, have a laugh, and head straight back to the apartment" 

"Yeah, well you are coming home with me" 

"What Dad she'll know something is up for sure" Tuck groaned 

"I have work in the morning. I cannot drive you to your place and then drive home. I need my sleep because as captain if I'm sleepy people die" 

"Then you should've taken us to the bar so we could have gotten the car" 

"The car that got towed when you got arrested" Ben chuckled "Fat chance" 

"My car was towed" Tuck gave him the same wide-eyed look his mom uses 

"That's what happens when you get arrested for assault Tuck" Ben nodded "I'll head down and get to tomorrow after work but tonight you're at the house" 

The ride to the house was silent after that and once they arrived they did their best to quietly sneak back in. 

"Busted" Pru smiled when she saw them walk into the house

"How much for you to not tell Mom" Tuck took out his wallet 

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