Not Again

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Ben was driving Miranda insane and she forced him out of the house. Her due date was any day now and her husband was as shaky as a wheelbarrow with a broken wheel. He baby-proofed the whole house and then double-checked it, triple-checked it, and even quadruple-checked it. She loved that man with her whole being but one more second with him was going to make her want to murder him. So she told him to go, get out of the house, fight a fire, or ride around in the aid car just to get out of her face. Her son knew to steer clear of his mother. He stayed out of her way and went out of his way to make sure she stayed calm. Once she made Ben leave for the day, it was just her and Tuck in the house.

"Hey Mom I'm going outside to shoot some hoops" He came downstairs and saw his mom was sitting on the couch

"I'll watch" She smiled and got up "It's been a minute"

"So you can yell like you know how to play ball" He laughed as he opened the door for his mom

"Don't be surprised. Ben talks to the baby about sports a lot. Sometimes I listen to him" She laughed and they walked to the park so Tuck could play basketball with some of his friends. He handed his mom his bag and ran to join the game.

"Miranda" One of Tuck's friend's mom waved to her. She walked over to join all the moms in the bleachers. She didn't spend much time with these ladies but they were very friendly

"Or is it Dr.Miranda," Another asked

"Dr.Bailey dummies" Another rolled her eyes

"Bailey is just fine" Miranda smiled "It's what my friends call me"

"You know if you're ever looking for friends that aren't just in your hospital we meet on the weekends for wine and cheese"

"Oh well I am usually stuck at the hospital but maybe" She smiled

"So Tuck is your boy" One of the moms asked

"Yep" She smiled watching her son

"He is such a well-mannered young man, you and his father did a wonderful job"

"He is such a good example for my boy"

"Your husband uh Ben I think is his name. Tuck always speaks so highly of him"

"And I see you have one on the way, boy or girl" The mom asked

"Girl" Miranda smiled

"Oh, I wish. I have 3 boys at home all teenagers" The woman laughed

"Twin teenage boys here" Another one laughed

"My boy is my only" Another smiled

"Is Tuck excited to be a big brother"

"Very, He and Ben are going to spoil her" Miranda laughed. She felt a sharp pain. It wasn't the first of the day but it had been a while since she felt them. She had some Braxton Hicks about a week ago but with Ben not bothering her they hadn't been bothering her.

"Hey, Mom the fellas and I are done with our game. Wanna head back home" Tuck came over and got a towel out of his bag

"Sure you need a shower immediately" She laughed and pushed him away

"Congratulations on the little sister Tuck" One of the moms smiled

"Yeah can't wait to meet her" He grabbed his bag and they said their goodbyes before heading home. As they were walking Miranda grabbed a hold of Tuck's hand which startled him.

"Mom" He looked at his mother

"We should probably head to the hospital" She squeezed his hand as another contraction hit

"I'll call Ben" He fumbled for his phone

"Call him on the way" She breathed through another contraction

"Can I drive us" Tuck asked

"We'll take a taxi" She shook her head

"Please Mom" He looked at his mom's car outside their house. "I can drive mom"

She really didn't feel like arguing with him. But obviously, he was just worried. There was no reasoning with her son so she slowly nodded her head. He ran in to grab the keys. He opened the door for his mom and helped her in before hopping in. He went through all his mirror checks before leaving their home. He kept looking at his mom squirm in her seat. His mom, Miranda Bailey had never once squirmed as he could recall.

"Hey we're almost there Mom" He tried to be reassuring

"Mhmm look just watch your speed" She gripped the dashboard

"Right, umm when we get there I'll call Ben again" He sighed. They had been calling him since they left but he wasn't answering. However, since he was keeping her calm he was trying to remain calm as well. He pulled up at the ER and parked at GreySloan

"That car is crooked and you certainly can't park in the ambulance bay" She got out and pointed

"The chief is having a baby. I'm sure they won't mind the car being in the way"

"William George, now what if lives are at stake because you decided that you can park wherever you see fit" She gave him her signature stare-down

"I will fix it just let's get you inside" He started to roll his eyes

"Roll 'em and I will knock them out of your head" She said through clenched teeth. He smiled at her and helped her into a wheelchair

"Bailey" Maggie ran over to her

"I have to fix the car but mom is in labor contractions are approximately 8 minutes apart" Tuck kissed his mom on the cheek and ran back out to fix his parking. When he came back inside his mom was already on the OB floor. As he was heading up he kept calling Ben who still wasn't answering. "Come on Ben don't do this. Pick up the damn phone" Tuck mumbled to himself. "Sorry about the language" He heard his mom's voice in his head reprimanding him. He tried to put on his best poker face as he walked into her room

"Where the hell is my husband" She paced the room

Tuck just stood at the door and said nothing. What was he going to say? Hey Mom I called Ben about a dozen times and nothing no answer. No that's going to get them both murdered he thought.

"Did he answer" She looked at her son. When he avoided her eyes she knew her answer.

"No, I can't. Not this again" She sat on the couch

"Hey Mama" Carina walked in

"No, not doing this again. The last time I went to have a baby without my husband there was a bomb in a body cavity with Meredith Grey's hand on it and my husband was having brain surgery because he crashed his damn truck. Not going to go through this again. This can not happen again"

"Okay I don't know what any of that means" Carina shook her head and looked at Tuck

"It means that someone needs to get Benjamin Warren in this hospital room ASAP" Miranda yelled. She didn't know this but Ben and all of 19 were on their way. They were at a fire and as soon as he saw all the calls and texts from Tuck they knew that he needed to be at the hospital immediately. It was a no-brainer they brought the engine straight to GreySloan. He hopped out and ran into the hospital still smelling like smoke and ash and still in his turnouts.

"I'm here" He ran in and kissed his wife "I was at a fire but I am here"

"You smell like fire" She scrunched up her nose

"We brought the whole engine here straight from the scene" He laughed "But Dani daddy is here baby" He spoke to Miranda's belly. She grabbed his hand and squeezed hard breathing through another contraction.

"Let's have a baby" He smiled through the pain of his hand being crushed. He knew she was terrified of another Tucker situation and he was going to get an earful later but none of that mattered to him right now.

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