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Hanami was almost drained of her cursed energy.

Both sorcerers kept attacking her nonstop, interchanging their positions in seconds, a technique Hanami was not even close to neutralizing despite the prolonged fighting between each other.

Sora, far away from all the commotion had proven to remain undetected from the start. She had decided to disperse her cursed energy and a large section of her soul all around the area. Concealing her location for as long as she needed to would be crucial for the execution of her plan.

Eyes narrowed in concentration, the waiting time felt agonizingly slow as she had nothing to do while everyone else was already working on their part of the plan. Feeling a sudden pressure form in her fingers, Sora looked down to realize she had been gripping her dagger too tightly.

Lifting her hand up, her skin was decorated in a red hue.

She had to relax.

Breathing slowly, Sora realized how light the air felt compared to the main city.

Bright shades of green decorated the leaves of the trees while the veil sadly prevented a clear sight of the cerulean sky up above, a sickly shade of green being there instead. Feeling something small touch her torso, Sora looked down to see that the tree's rough surface was close enough to almost snag her shirt. Taking this into consideration before arriving, she had decided to wear a sleeveless top and black leggings. Wearing baggy clothes would only snag her clothes even more.

As her hand reached up to feel the cloth covering half of her face, she recalled the events during the morning

Before leaving the house, Geto had stopped Sora at the doorstep, mask placed in the palm of his hand as he reached out towards Sora. "A gift," Geto had simply stated before placing it in her open palm.

The reason, to conceal her face.

Twirling the dagger around her fingers, it was the only weapon she had decided to bring. Something she was hoping to not use in any way. If the plan went along with no disturbances, she would only go as far as to only use her own cursed technique.

Making to check on any new presence surrounding her once again, Sora brought back her cursed energy back into her body momentarily. Despite being far away from the fight, she was able to pinpoint Hanami's location again and vaguely see the fight. It was not with her own sight that she was able to see.

It was the soul she was looking at.

And it was that very same thing she would use to attack Gojo Satoru.


As Hanami kept attacking both sorcerers, Sora noticed a slight change in the soul of one of them, leaving her with the the doubt that whoever it was, had just leveled up on their cursed energy and it's manifestation.

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