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Strolling through the stores adorning the side of the busy street, Sora gazed at the many flashy posters advertising a variety of products as well as food. The smell of spices surrounded the area where food was being sold, the sound of people conversing quietly mixing in with the whispers of the breeze passing by to alleviate the high temperature of the day.

The sound of cars driving by took hold of Sora's attention as she walked, wondering how difficult driving one could be. The accumulation of their engines turned on as they waited for the light to turn green almost drowned out the sound of soft piano music coming from a cafe shop Sora was passing by, the aroma of roasted coffee beans pleasant enough to her sense of smell. Glancing inside, the cafe was full, a long line of people waiting to order almost reaching the door to its entrance. Realizing she would have to wait for a long time to even order, Sora continued walking, hoping to find another cafe soon. Heading towards the crosswalk full of people waiting for the light to turn green, Sora grew weary of her proximity to the people beside her.

Deciding to close her eyes, she allowed herself to check if anyone with cursed energy was in her proximity. All of them lacked the distinct smoke that was only present in a curse-user.

She was safe.

As the light changed to green, Sora clutched the small white pouch and the shopping bags in her hands before becoming part of the moving crowd. Many were fixated on their path, others too focused on their devices to take the time and gaze at the world surrounding them. Small families sat together in outdoor tables as they ate, a shared serenity present in their face as they conversed together. Others, being the majority, were lone people walking by with tense expressions outlining their features. 

It was a mix of so many faces and lives Sora had trouble comprehending.

Up ahead was a large group of women crowded around the entrance of a dome-shaped building decorated with glass, all of them hastily signing a sheet of paper that was being passed down. Walking by the group, some of the girls turned around, noticing how tall Sora was in contrast to most of them, expecting her to stop as soon as she reached the end of the line but were surprised to see she passed by them, not bothering to look their way.

"Hello there." A man from beside Sora exclaimed, surprising her as she turned around and saw him dressed in business clothes, eyes looking up at her.

"Are you occupied right now?" He questioned while trailing behind her, "I'm actually scouting for models right now and you check all the features for one." He assured as his hand extended a business card for her to take. "I'm not interested," Sora replied back, eyeing the man besides her who seemed far too desperate for such a trivial matter.

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