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Hello everyone,

I haven't been able to post another chapter because after revising the ones I have released, I noticed some aspects I created for Sora would not align with the plans I have in mind for this story.

I decided to change one major detail in Sora's character which is the description of her eyes that is given in chapter I. It will have a significant impact on the story. I also added more depth into two moments that occur on chapter VII to highlight the fact that Sora's scars are visible to other people and do receive reactions from others. I also altered the ending for Chapter VI. They were quite a few changes but they're necessary for the progress of the story.

*To not get lost, it would be best to reread the story in order to understand the changes I made and how it will affect Sora's character as a whole. This advice is mainly for the readers who read the story before April 21st, 2024 lol.

Moving forward, there will be no more changes to the plot or the chapters after they have been released. Only grammar mistakes will be fixed and revisions to the flow of the story, nothing that can greatly affect the story.

Also, since Gege wants to be funny with the recent chapters that have been released, they're the reason why I decided to change certain aspects for Nepenthe. I want to adhere to the plot as much as possible and not deviate to the point I'm contradicting the world Gege has created.

I've also been proofreading the chapters to make the words move more consistently and will continue to revise them once in a while to make the story better.

If there are any grammar mistakes, please let me know in the comments so that I can fix them :)

Thank you for choosing to read

I hope you guys like it so far ;)


This is all of us right now with the recent leaks

This is all of us right now with the recent leaks

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