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As Gojo walked out of Yoshinobu's office, no one voiced the insolence of his decision to leave despite the meeting not being close to finishing. The door was wide open for him to freely walk out, and whether it was a sign he was taking the right decision by leaving, Gojo did not think further about it. Instead, he turned around and made a small wave with his hand before walking outside. The walls finally obscured him from their eyes, and without realizing, he had let out a small sigh of relief.

He heard someone faintly yell out "Gojo," before he had closed the door. The right thing would have been to turn around and acknowledge the call of his name, but he had abstained himself. After all, those old men had voiced their opinion and he had voiced his own, which was supposed to mean that talking any further would be a waste of time. Gojo would have stayed up until the end if the Elders hadn't brought up the worth of his student's life.

Reasoning with those old men never worked, so acting in accord to their words was the only thing Gojo could do.

The smile that had been plastered on his face for more than an hour disappeared once he felt he was finally alone and far away from them. A meeting was supposed to entail speaking with people face to face but for those old men, shoji doors were the ones that greeted their guests instead. They were the higher ups in the the jujutsu world, Elders, as they liked to call themselves, that ruled over everyone who was born with cursed energy. Anyone who was called to meet them, knew they would be meet by that supposed cover that obscured their identities. Whether the Elders truly felt protected by them or not, Gojo knew they were only brave enough to voice their conservative beliefs since there would be no face to correlate their words with.

It was just superficial bravery.

The Elders, a group of powerful men whose words were the law in their world. Gojo's way of thinking was immensely different from theirs, and despite having grown with this fact, he was never able to get used to it. Lifting both hands to slowly massage the temples of his face, his fingers soon came to touch the soft fabric of the blindfold wrapped across his eyes. As he traced its edge in a mindless manner, his hands soon drifted down from his face, leaving a warm sensation in his skin before finally allowing them to rest at the back of his neck. Slowly stretching his head back to briefly release the stiffness that troubled the muscles on his shoulder area, the tendons of his neck were finely defined as he remained still for a few seconds.

The sensation of relief was temporary, disappearing as soon as he rested his neck back into its normal position and once again, the stiffness that troubled his muscles came back. Gojo let out a short sigh soon after, placing both hands inside the pockets of his pants before walking towards the only direction the hallway took him. The silence allowed his mind to recollect the majority of what had been said during the meeting, most of it being safety protocols each school would take from now on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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