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As the sun rose from the horizon, a gold cast fell upon the land, decorating the skies up above with warm colors that contrasted heavily with the bluish hues that were slowly disappearing due to the sunlight's presence. Dew drops that had accumulated during the cold night slowly fell from the leaves and down to the ground, many reaching to touch the closed flowers that were spread all around the garden, waiting to feel the warmth of the sunlight in order to wake up .

The sound of birds calling for each other sounded all around the area, comforting Sora who was sitting out in the porch to see the arrival of a new day, kicking small stones with her foot while recalling the events of yesterday.


Tapping gently on Geto's shoulder, he tilted his head back to acknowledge the touch, black hair shifting across his shoulders as he took notice of Sora standing close behind him. Turning around to face her, their closeness gave him the opportunity to observe the scars running across the side of her face. He had seen them on the first day he had met up with her, but now with the light illuminating her face, he realized it was a large scar that traveled down her cheekbone, connecting with the other scars that went down across her nose. Fully visible in the sunlight, the skin of her scars was blotched compared to the rest of her skin, a slight red hue covering every crevice of her scars.

Speculating their origin, Geto pushed his curiosity aside for another day and acknowledged Sora with a small tilt of his head. Clearing her throat, Sora looked up to see he was looking at her, keen eyes observing her.

He was waiting for her to speak.

"Oh," she muttered, voicing her doubt out loud before exhaling slowly, instinctively placing a hand around her shoulder since a small pain traveled across her skin. "Nobody lives here based off of the house's condition right?"

"No, Hanami found it a few days ago."

"I can stay here then," she asked, unsure if she had sounded as confident as she had imagined in her head.

"Yes, I was actually going to mention this before leaving," he replied as his hand went up to fix the sleeve of his arm, "This house seems quite abandoned. Hanami came here every day to see if anyone came back but after a few weeks no one appeared so stay here to heal." Surprised with knowing the house was just an abandoned place they had found to only use once, Sora looked up to see his face showcasing no expression at all, the sight bothering her slightly yet she did not voice it out loud.

Muttering a small thanks, all he did was acknowledge her response with a nod before walking out of the house. His tall frame  disappeared as soon as he reached orchard, leaving Sora with random thoughts swirling around her mind after having interacted with both Hanami and him.

Trudging back to the room in silence, she picked up the small container with calendula salve before placing some on her wounds, face morphing into a pained expression every time her fingers touched her open skin. Having made sure to tend to every wound, Sora went back to the empty room before sitting down on the bed, facing the open window.

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