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Falling down on the ground harshly, a small groan escaped Sora's mouth as her injured arm collided with the rough floor.

Too weak to try and stand up, Sora prioritized the newly opened wounds in her arm by placing her hand to cover them from the dirt. A burning sensation soon followed, traveling through her skin, making her wince and close her eyes to avoid thinking about her injuries.

Hearing something move beside her, Sora rotated towards the noise, surprised to find Hanami also sprawled on the ground not too far away from her. Eyes feeling heavy from the weakness still present over her body, it took Sora a while to notice the one arm missing from Hanami's side. Looking away from the discomfort that swept her from seeing such an injury, she tried to only think about the fact they had survived.

Both had become victims to the sorcerers' attacks.

Pulling her hand away from the open skin, Sora's facial expression morphed into one of disgust as she saw her hand tainted in her own blood, an image she had seen far too many times in one day.

"Poor thing." A voice laced with pity proclaimed lowly out of nowhere, footsteps echoing close to where Sora and Hanami were.

"Shall I put you out of your misery?" The unknown person taunted as their steps grew closer, making Sora's blood freeze at how menacing his words were carved into his voice. The swinging of a sword resounded in the cave as the person kept sauntering closer.

"Good work."

It was Mahito's voice, a presence Sora weirdly felt thankful for in that moment of uncertainty and fear that had started to creep up around her mind.
Placing her uninjured hand on the ground, she lifted herself up slowly, arm trembling from the sudden weight it had to support. Lifting her head up slightly, she was now able to see what was happening.

Mahito, who's eyes had been fixated on the boy next to him, now loomed over towards Sora whose face was pale and contorted into a distressed expression. To Mahito's dismay, her eyes were fixated solely on him. Giving her only a short glance, Mahito went back to Haruta who was embraced in his arm, "You're just a human. Don't act on your own." Mahito's low voice advised, words that did not try to conceal his ominous intentions over the human boy.

"Or I'll kill you." He ended shortly after, focused on something far past Sora who was inspecting both of them.

The boy, captured in his arm, side eyed Mahito with caution before speaking,"Come on, I'm just being nice," The boy admitted with a playful tone, eyes closed while uttering words with such disregard it made Sora recoil with disgust.

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