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It was the only object inside the box containing a name.

Everything else was photos and papers filled with bullet points written in Japanese and a language Sora did not recognize. Having no use for her, she placed the metal plate back inside before proceeding to move aside more stacks of paper. As soon as she had reached the end, a small red box peaked out from under a closely packed stack of photos.

Walking back outside while carrying the whole box with one arm, Sora placed it down on the floor before lighting up the wood with a match, fire crackling to life from inside the logs as Sora hanged the kettle filled with water on a sturdy metal hook coming from the ceiling.

Having to wait for the water to boil, she sat down on top of the box, glancing through the door to find Geto and Mahito still talking amongst themselves, the image quite odd in her eyes. They knew very little about her and yet, they had still taken the decision to trust in the plan she had given them.
Pondering on this thought, the sound of falling rain diverted her attention away from her mind, a serene comfort coursing through her mind soon after. A feeling that only surfaced when it rained, making her wonder why such a reaction only occured when rain poured down from the skies.

No matter how many times she had forced her own mind to try and remember her past as well as any memory that could provide her with a clue as to who she was, nothing ever came out. She had gone as far as to try and break apart her own soul to find answers and failed. Her mind was empty, void of holding any memories. It was as if her life had started only a few months ago instead of the age she was physically supposed to be.

Closing her eyes to push away those worries, she turned towards the landscape besides her, the view of the trees swaying side by side to the rhythm of the wind hypnotizing her, slowly dragging away everything that was clouding her mind once more.

Everything around her had life.

As the water began to simmer, Sora was snapped away from that trance, realizing she had not picked anything yet to actually make tea. She would end up serving warm water instead of actual tea. Standing up, she realized she had no idea what herbs or flowers were used to make tea. Wondering if plucking any flower from the ground would be her best option, she recalled the metal box filled with notes. Hoping it would have information on what was used to make tea, she sat on the ground before opening it back up, taking out papers while skimming through their content, making sure she would not skip anything important. Right before she ended the first stack of papers, one of them was titled with the word 'tea.'

Glancing behind her shoulders, Geto and Mahito were still conversing, none seeming to have paid attention to her from the moment she had walked out the house. Looking down, the paper was filled with a smaller note on the side, the words  'naturally sweet' being the most prominent. Going down the list with her finger, she found chamomile, a small sketch of the flower right next to the name. Trying to remember her stroll outside the house during the morning, she realized that the flower sketched on the paper had been somewhere close to the back of the house. Scanning the green field to find it, the rain pouring down created a hazed effect on the landscape, preventing her from seeing with clarity.

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