Chapter 9 - congratulations.

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[A/N: clarification that I edited last chapter so I'm sorry if you guys got confused or anything]

"Harper! what the hell were you thinking?" I sigh as I look at her firmly, "you've been crying abt him that day, I didn't want the same mistake happening a'ight?" I look at her confused, when did she learn how to speak with that accent? It's like I don't even know her. 

"Look man, I'm sorry I punched your boyfriend okay?" she said, forcibly. "Harper... I feel like there's something you're not telling me," I ask suspiciously. "yeah well maybe if you didn't always fuck around other guys and actually try spending time with your friends it woulda be nice right?" she says while aggressively mopping the gymnasium in our school, it was filled with sweat earlier so she had cleaning duty. Miles needed to clean the men's locker which I feel very sorry for him.  

But I'd no idea she felt that way, I accepted her response even if she's hiding something else bigger than that. I just know it. "Harper, I didn't know you felt that way, and Jelina with Ganke. Oh my-- you must've felt so left out." 

"you must've felt so left out, of course I did, and I thought when you and miles finally what? broke up or some dumbass drama we could-- ugh! you know what forget it." She dropped the mop into the bucket as some splashed towards my face, i think it went in my mouth. "Okay miss cranky, let me make it up to you, I 'll ask Miles to do your work for you and then we go out partying? you like the idea of that?" I say, never the party type but I knew Harper would love it. 

"Since when did you learn to party?" she frowned, her mood hasn't changed yet, it's not gonna stop me from bringing her out on a girl date anyway.  "Just be grateful, this is a one time thing" I say as I pull her arm and walk in a fast pace to the parking lot. 


I knew a place where Miles talked about, Uncle Aaron talking about it or something. Not so sure what but definitely around the area. I look through the google maps and got to the location, it was a dark empty alleyway, but watching mission impossible and Indiana jones, there's definitely like a secret door pathway. I land my ear onto the wall as Harper asks what I'm doing. 

"Y/n, the door's right here..." she said as I was dumbfounded. I chuckled nervously thinking I was so sneaky and all. I pushed the door in as the loud music started blasting, with LED lights that's hurting my eyes and music that I can't even hear myself. "This place is sick!" Harper shouts, surprised I understood what she said. She quickly grabs a drink and passes me one, until one of the guys started calling her, "Harper?" he taps her shoulder. 

"Dylan? Oh my gosh! Dylan!" she excitingly jumps to give a warm embrace to him as they both got themselves comfortable, she never really told me about him but I looked around for a bit with a drink in my hand, which was soda. Someone has to drive tonight and I for sure know it wouldn't be Harper. Though I only have a fake ID. I found an empty spot at the couch or table and rest my butt there, even if this was meant for me to hang out with Harper, it didn't turn out to be. Is that how Harper feels all along?

I rest my elbow on the table with the cup on my hand, until a girl with red hair decides to join me, "rough night?" she asks. "Nah, not really. Came with a friend, just giving her some fun y'know?" 

"Oh so she's with Dylan?" she says, surprised that she knows who Dylan is. "So everybody knows Dylan?" I shrug. "He's the DJ around here, why wouldn't anyone not know?" 

So he's the DJ

"Anyway, I'd better go, great small talk yeah?" she say as she holds her fist into a bump, i fist bump her into a response. She's nice, I smile at the thought of that. Then a lightskin man approached me, he had dreadlocks tied together, and I noticed a bit of tattoos on his right arm and shoulder.  It wasn't clear with all the LED light and music, though I could say he was rather good looking. 

He had two drinks in his hand, then he decides to sit across me, "You new here?" he asks. His voice was deep, yet attractive. "Yeah," I say, trying to sound formal, and know my boundaries. "Welcome, it's great to see new people comin' in n out," he smirks. I didn't want to fold so I broke eye contact with his beautiful dark almond eyes. It's like a devil in disguise.

You got a boyfriend, y/n.

I reminded myself. To distract myself, I took a sip of my drink. It tasted different now, like... someone had spiked, it had a sensational burn into my throat, not that I've tasted alcohol. "So what'd you say you're name was?" he asks. "Y/n," I say, now everything feels unstable, I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I dropped my drink on the table as I don't feel conscious with myself. It's like what I'm doing is not even real. 

"You don't need to leave," He whispers in my ear, as I mutter something back. "I won't handsome." 


Ding! Ding! Ding!

My phone was ringing and I woke up in my room, on my bedroom floor. My room was a mess! Last thing I remember was with a man...Right! the man, drink spiked. Must've been that red headed girl, I hold my head and then I check my phone messages. How did I end up here? 


Hey, did you had fun last night?

who the hell? and another message from Miles, 

Miles 🤓☝😭😘❤

where are you? I'm worried. 

pls answer my text.


are you there? 


Turn on your location mami


don't leave me on read.


holy shit. I type back an answer, until I hear a knocking on the window. It was Miles with the suit on, and damn did he look gorgeous, I got up and slide open the window. "Miles-- I can explain." I say. 

"There's no need for explanation, I already know." he then showed me a video of me doing something horrible to the man last night, which was dancing seductively with him, afraid I might've done something more worse. 


End of Chapter

(A/n: This is so rushed but I got so many votes so it motivated me, also made some changes, so sorry if I had to publish and republish stuff, and also uhm lets just say they're all not underage because I don't support that shit ok. Oh and also THANKS YOU GUYS SO MUCH I LOVE YOU GUY S GAVE ME SO MUCH MOTIUVATIONKSAFH. though i am sorry to tell you this book is gonna come to an end cus im already starting on another book which next year I will publish, or after I finish it yeah. and again, I thank y'all so much for everything, love you guys love the motivation see you next chapeteres ;))))

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