Mature Scenes & Pornography

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Assalamu 'Alaykum.

A beneficial answer for those who find happiness in reading, writing or watching mature, intimate scenes between two couples.

Once, an author justified her actions of writing intimate scenes between her characters by saying it is okay since it is between husband and wife.

Whatever happens between husband and wife stays behind closed doors, whether in real life or in fiction book.

There are some Muslim authors on Wattpad who write some excessive mature scenes and show feeling of strong desire through their characters actions.

When I used to read Muslim books in the past, I came across such books (they are still on Wattpad). I felt like the author enjoys writing these scenes - in fact they surely do enjoy. Because why else would you go writing them?

Do you think you're writing Halal romance novel? No, rather you're fulfilling your own desires.

If this is your idea of 'Halal romance' then Wallahi stop it. Think about your young readers, by writing such scenes even describing a mere kiss, you're playing with their minds, unintentionally. Imagine your book is the first they started reading and find these imitate scenes, and once they read them they start wanting for more, desiring more of so called romance you wrote In your book.

And Allah forbids, your book was something that led them to addiction of Pornography. Fear Allah.

This take us to the issue of pronography and it is Haram, prohibited in Islam.

Ustadh Abdur-Rahman Hassan, he spoke about Muraqabatullah, meaning that Allah observes, He Subhânahu Wata'ala knows what a person does whether secretly or publicly.

In that lecture, ustadh addresses the issue of Pornography. He said: 'how can your eyes find joy in watching what Allah prohibited? how can your ears enjoy that which Allah prohibited? A believer's Self (Nafs) does not allow him to enjoy these things, his heart, eyes and ears does not allow it. Because it's full with remembrance of Allah Subhânahu Wata'ala.

Ustadh quoted the Hadith of Seven Shades and then he said: among the seven type of people whom Allah would shade on the Day of Judgement when there will be no shade except His Shade, among those seven is the youngster. A youngster who grew up and nurtured himself on the worshipping of Allah and he stayed away from things that Allah prohibited.

Look at the state of Wattpad, majority of Muslims here are young people, they are young authors and they have drowned themselves in their desires, the sin isn't sin in their eyes, they are not effected by the severity of their actions, may Allah protect us.

Then, ustadh continued and he quoted statement of Imam Ibnul Qayyim, the great Imam and the scholar. Imam Ibnul Qayyim Rahimahullah, said: "I looked at each one of them, and I found one thing that which they have in common; they imprisoned their desires."

They governed and controlled their desires. Subhan Allah!

Ibnul Qayyim said that he heard from his Shaykh, Ibn Taymiyyah Rahimahumullah say:  "The Jihad of Nafs is greater than the Jihad with disbelievers and hypocrites. Because there is no one who can fight with the disbelievers and the hypocrites unless he fights with his own whims and desires first.

Sufyan ath-Thawri Rahimahullah said: the most courageous person is the one who opposes his desires, who goes against his desires.

So writers and readers take heed of this issue and stop writing mature scenes. By Allah, your this act is leading readers to imagine the action and stirring sexual desires within them.

And then you come and say it is upon them (readers)? No, rather you're causing it. Fear Allah my dear sisters.

May Allah grant us beneficial knowledge and protect us from sins that we belittle, may Allah protect us from evil of ourselves and evil desires.

There are at least 5% stories from 100% which are free of any sort of mature scene. Some authors who claim to write Islamic books, sadly fall into it. In fact, why is there need of this stuff when your purpose was to convey Islam through your book? Do not stray away from your purpose.

One of the Mashaykh (Shaykhs) was asked about what is the ruling of Nasheed? So the shaykh replied: "there is nothing in Islam called Nasheed.

Furthermore he said: however, whenever they want to promote something, they call it 'Islamic'

Most authors here give their books terms such as 'Muslim' or 'Islamic' just to promote them. Once you read them, you'll realise the reality. Subhan Allah.

May Allah protect us.


The lecture from which I quoted the Hadith will be written in details in the next chapter of my book, Muawiyah Holmes. In Shaa Allah.

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