wait for the right time my queen

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Empires S1...

Joel slowly opened his eyes, his eyes travelling around the room he was in.

He felt someone holded his hand and couple of people talking.

"W-where am I?" joel said, his voice barely even a whisper.

"Oh joel you're awake!" A familiar voice gasped out of relief.

Joel can see now, vision still blurry. Lizzie helped him up and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back.

"I was so scared Joel. What happened?" Lizzie cupped his cheek with concern.

"Yeah Joel if Lizzie wouldn't have came on time and got you out of sea you wouldn't have survived" Scott said.

"Are you okay?" Katherine asked.

"Yeah. Just my head is paining" joel said holding his head.

"I thought I would've died...." he said quietly.

"You would have king joel.... Now tell me---- I mean us that how did you end up in deep sea" the half fish girl asked.

"That stupid demon would've killed all of us if I hadn't jumped down...." joel said shivering.

Scott's ears perked up listening to 'demon'. And all others including Lizzie were shocked that joel believed for once that there did exist a demon.

Joel denied the fact xornoth existed. But seemed like xor had a effect on him now.

Joel was working on his mega matral palace.

suddenly xornoth's voice echoed through his entire place. Joel dropped his building materials immediately.

"Mezalian king joel! Aren't you strong?" Xornoth said laughing.

"Come in front of me you coward" joel said even when shivers ran down his spine.

He was looking around in hopes to find and face the demon himself. Sword in his hand.

"So you do not believe that I exist huh" xornoth's voice came again but joel wasn't able to see him anywhere.

"I'm not afraid of you" joel shouted, still looking around.

He turned around to see xornoth facing him,really close. Joel backed off a little, gripping his sword tighter.

"I know that. You know I can make you most powerful of all?" Xornoth asked.

"Your tricks won't work on me!!" Joel said pointing his sword at xornoth. Xornoth snorted.

"Think again pal, join me. They all are useless. I can make you the most legendary of all" xornoth offered.

"NEVER. never in my entire life..." joel said attacking with the sword but sword went right through xornoth and no damage was taken.

"Fiesty huh? Well if you have chosen this then fine. Let's test how much you love your fellow emperors shall we" xornoth smirked.

"What do you mean?" Joel was confused as well as kind of scared in the bottom of his heart.

"If you want to save your friends then give your life by jumping from right here into the sea...." he began.

Joel felt his heart almost stop. He really had to do this...

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